Add unsecure Accumulo on CDP service to your cluster
If your cluster is not an SASL-enabled Kerberized cluster, add an unsecure Accumulo
on CDP service to your cluster when installing an Operational Database powered by Apache
Accumulo (OpDB).
Install the OpDB CSD file.
Install CDP and add the HDFS and ZooKeeper services to your deployment.
Install the OpDB parcel.
Navigate to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console home
Click the action menu of the cluster to which you want to add the Accumulo on
CDP service (for example, Cluster 1), and select Add
Select Accumulo on CDP and click
Select the dependent services and click Continue.
Assign the Accumulo roles to the hosts in your cluster:
Assign a Table Server role on each host to which
the DataNode role is assigned.
Assign the Monitor, Garbage
Collector, and Master role to
Assign the Gateway role to any hosts where you
want to use the Accumulo on CDP service, and where you do not already
have any other OpDB roles assigned.
Click Continue.
Configure the Accumulo Instance Secret.
Set the Instance Name.
If this is the first installation of OpDB, ensure that the
Initialize Accumulo option is selected.
Click Continue.
Wait while Cloudera Manager does the initial service setup.