Decommissioning OM Node

Add the Ozone Manager (OM) NodeId of the decommissioning node to the decommissioning property[ozone_service_id] in ozone-site.xml of all nodes.

To decommission OM, perform the following steps.

  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager.
  2. Navigate to Clusters.
  3. Select the Ozone service.
  4. Click Configuration.
  5. Under the Scope drop-down, click Ozone Manager.
  6. In the Search bar, search for ozone-site.xml.
    Ozone Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for ozone-conf/ozone-site.xml appears.

  7. Click +.
    1. Add[ozone_service_id] in the Name field.
    2. Add NodeID in the Value field.
    3. Click Save Configuration.
    After some time, an anchor icon appears on the upper side of the page. click the anchor icon to display the new configurations that will be deployed. You can cross-verify and click Continue.
  8. Click Finish.
    The re-deploy client configuration option checkbox is selected by default. If the checkbox is not selected, then you must select the re-deploy client configuration option.