API Compatibility changes in 7.1.9 SP1 for Atlas

Removed or Modified APIs in CDP 7.1.9 SP1 for Atlas and recommendations for how to handle them.

Apache Version of Atlas in 7.1.9 was 3.0.0 and Apache Version of Atlas in 7.1.9 SP1 is 3.0.0

Removed APIs in 7.1.9 SP1

The following APIs are no longer available for Atlas in CDP 7.1.9 SP1.


Method Removed

Package Name
A client program may be interrupted by NoSuchMethodError exception.
Reason for change
The method isn't removed, but modified to include a different parameter. The change was done as part of Jersey Upgrade to 2.0, which is not yet merged in Apache.
The client application needs to pass WebTarget from jersey 2.0 object as argument instead of WebResource of jersey 1.0.
Recompilation Required?

Modified APIs in 7.1.9 SP1

The following APIs have been modified for Atlas and include a description of the impact of the modification on their use.


Return value type has been changed from void to org.apache.atlas.model.instance.EntityMutationResponse.

Package Name
This method has been removed because the return type is part of the method signature. A client program may be interrupted by NoSuchMethodError exception.
Reason for change
The method was not removed, rather modified to return the list of deleted rules and the API path was changed because it was conflicting with other API path, which was added in this release (ATLAS-4797)
Any client application invoking this API needs to update the API path and if required, they can use the response object.
Recompilation Required?