API Compatibility changes in 7.1.9 SP1 for Hadoop
Removed or Modified APIs in CDP 7.1.9 SP1 for Hadoop and recommendations for how to handle them.
Apache Version of Hadoop in 7.1.9 was 3.1.1 and Apache Version of Hadoop in 7.1.9 SP1 is 3.1.1
Modified APIs in 7.1.9 SP1
The following APIs have been modified for Hadoop and include a description of the impact of the modifiaction on their use.
Field NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_GROUP of type java.lang.String with the compile-time constant value "yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.group" has been removed from this class.
- Package Name
- org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf
- Effect
- Recompilation of a client program may be terminated with the message: cannot find variable NM_LINUX_CONTAINER_GROUP in org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration.
- Reason for change
- Unused constant (YARN-4599)
- Recommendation
- N/A
- Recompilation Required?
- Yes