Behavioral Changes in Ozone

Learn about the change in certain functionality of Ozone that has resulted in a change in behavior from the previously released version to this version of Cloudera Runtime.

Change in the behaviour of the Ozone admin pipeline list command.
In the CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9, running the Ozone admin pipeline list command displays the following output: Pipeline[ Id: pipeline_id, Nodes: UUID1(hostname1/ip1)UUID2(hostname2/ip2)UUID3(hostname3/ip3), ReplicationConfig: RATIS/THREE, State:OPEN, leaderId:id, CreationTimestamp].
In the CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 SP1, running the Ozone admin pipeline list command displays the following output: Pipeline[ Id: pipeline_id, Nodes: UUID1(hostname1/ip1) ReplicaIndex: UUID2(hostname2/ip2) ReplicaIndex: UUID3(hostname3/ip3) ReplicaIndex: 0, ReplicationConfig: RATIS/THREE, State:OPEN, leaderId:id, CreationTimestamp].