Fixed Issues in Apache HDFS

Review the list of HDFS issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9.

CDPD-46151: HADOOP-18469: Adding XMLUtils methods to centralize code that creates secure XML parsers.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-46149: HDFS-16766: Fixing vulnerability related to XML External Entity (XXE) when processing XML received from untrusted sources.
This issue is resolved.
OPSAPS-65324: Logredactor pattern causes failed blockID's logging
The regex for the social security numbers and the credit card numbers was updated so that it will not redact blockIDs. Added a word boundary {{/b}} for the beginning and the end. This will be dafault from the CDP 7.1.9 release.
OPSAPS-67496: HDFS fails on Java 17 system tests
Added necessary JVM startup options to be able to run HDFS on Java 17.
OPSAPS-63558: Previously, DistCp did not correctly report renames and deletes *in case of snapshot diff based* HDFS replications. This change extends DistCp's output report to contain counters related to snapshot diff based replications beside the already reported counters. These counters are added to the following group:
com.cloudera.enterprise.distcp.DistCpSyncCounter. The following, new counters are added: - FILES_MOVED_TO_COMMON_TEMP_DIR: Number of files and directories moved to a common temporary directory to be renamed or deleted later in the process. The common temporary directory referenced here is a sibling of the replication target directory. This counter is the sum of FILES_DELETED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR and FILES_RENAMED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR. - FILES_DELETED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR: Number of files moved to a common temporary directory to be deleted later. The common temporary directory referenced here is a sibling of the replication target directory. - FILES_RENAMED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR: Number of files moved to a common temporary directory first, then moved to their final place. The common temporary directory referenced here is a sibling of the replication target directory. - FILES_DIRECT_DELETED: Number of files deleted directly. This is a feature introduced in OPSAPS-63759. - FILES_DIRECT_RENAMED: Number of files renamed directly, without moving to an intermediate temporary directory. This is a feature introduced in OPSAPS-63930. - FILES_DIRECT_RENAMED_VIA_TEMP_LOCATION: Number of files moved to an intermediate temporary directory and then renamed. This intermediate temporary directory is different from the common termporary direcory referenced in the FILES_RENAMED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR counter's description. This is also related to OPSAPS-63930. The values of FILES_DELETED_VIA_COMMON_TEMP_DIR and FILES_DIRECT_DELETED are also aggregated in the replication result as the number of files deleted.