Fixed Issues in Hue

Review the list of Hue issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9.

CDPD-48893: Hue logs get overwritten
In previous implementations, multiple file handlers wrote to a single log file, causing the Hue logs to be overwritten. Hue now uses a socket handler, which solves this problem.
CDPD-47011: Unable to run Hive queries containing the FROM statement in a batch
Earlier, Hive queries containing the FROM statement would execute and stop when run in a batch. This issue has been resolved by adding the FROM statement to the supported statement types in batch execution.
CDPD-44913: Unable to re-upload the same file with changed content in Hue
Earlier, when you tried to re-upload a file having the same filename and changed contents, the updated file did not get uploaded. This issue has been fixed.
CDPD-29285: Deselecting the Enable LDAP TLS option in Cloudera Manager does not work as expected
Earlier, when you deselected the Enable LDAP TLS option in Cloudera Manager > Hue > Configuration to enable LDAP authentication using unsecure LDAP (ldap:// instead of ldaps://), the authentication failed with the following error: Caught LDAPError while authenticating uldap: UNAVAILABLE({'info': '00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090F77, comment: Error initializing SSL/TLS, data 0, v23f0', 'desc': 'Server is unavailable'}. This issue has been fixed by forcing Hue to use the default value of the use_start_tls property (which is false) irrespective of the value present in the ldap_cert property.
CDPD-41497: Unable to upload files to folders on S3/ABFS that contain non-ASCII characters in the folder name
This issue has been fixed.
CDPD-46312: cx_Oracle 6.4.1 is missing from the CDP stack on 7.1.8 release
cx_Oracle 8.3.0 is now included with CDP distribution. You no longer need to download it separately.
OPSAPS-64655: Performance issues in loading and using Hue
You may have experienced a delay in loading the Hue application, running queries, or you saw a blank page while trying to open Hue. This happened because of slower responses from the Hue server due to a limited number of Gunicorn worker processes. This issue has been resolved.
CDPD-17465: LDAPTest fails with whoami_s
Earlier, LDAPTest potentially failed when the extended operation “whoami_s” was not available. This issue has been resolved.
CDPD-43984: Local file import fails with Bad Request(400) error
Earlier, when you imported an XLSX file in Hue, the import failed with the Bad Request(400) error. This issue has been fixed by increasing the value of the DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE property to 5 MB.