Fixed Issues in Zeppelin

Review the list of Zeppelin issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.9.

OPSAPS-68072: Initialize zeppelin notebook command fails on 7.1.9 rhel9.1 cluster with dell isilon
You can now bring up zeppelin service on 7.1.9 RHEL 9 Isilon cluster.
CDPD-54867: Backport ZEPPELIN-5176
[ZEPPELIN-5176] Kerberos ticket renewal fix in JDBC Interpreter.
CDPD-49444: Backport ZEPPELIN-5624: Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability
[ZEPPELIN-5624] Arbitrary file deletion vulnerability.
CDPD-53819: Increase default Zeppelin RPC connection pool size based on ZEPPELIN-5005
Exposed zeppelin.interpreter.connection.poolsize and made it configurable as a safety value in Zeppelin Configurtaion.

Apache patch information

  • ZEPPELIN-5176
  • ZEPPELIN-5624
  • ZEPPELIN-5005