Schema Registry component architecture

Learn about the component architecture of Schema Registry.

Schema Registry has the following main components:

  • Registry web server

    Web application exposing the REST endpoints you can use to manage schema entities. You can use a web proxy and load balancer with multiple web servers to provide high availability and scalability.

  • Pluggable storage

    Schema Registry uses the following types of storages:

    • Schema metadata storage

      Relational store that holds the metadata for the schema entities. MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle databases are supported.

    • SerDes storage

      File storage for the serializer and deserializer jars. Local file system and HDFS storage are supported. Local file system storage is the default.

  • Schema Registry client

    A java client that components can use to interact with the RESTful services.

The following diagram represents the component architecture of Schema Registry.

There are two integration points:
  • Custom NiFi processors

    New processors and controller services in NiFi that interact with the Schema Registry.

  • Kafka serializer and deserializer

    A Kafka serializer or deserializer that uses Schema Registry. The Kafka SerDes can be found on GitHub.