Ranger Hive Plugin

Describes how the Ranger Hive plugin enforces authorization.

Ranger Hive Plugin is enabled in HiveServer2 which helps in storage-based authorization and SQL-standard authorization. In storage-based authorization when a new table is created by running CREATE TABLE statement in Beeline, which will submit query to HiveServer2 for processing, and before HiveServer2 is able to run the query, it will check the policy cache file and make sure the user who submits the query has the appropriate permission to perform the task. Once the authorization passes, a query is submitted and a table created.

Upon successful creation of the new table, two things will be triggered by Ranger’s Hive plugin:
  1. Sends audit event to Solr and/or HDFS
  2. Sends Kafka event to topic “ATLAS_HOOK”, to record that a new entity has been created, so effectively Ranger’s Hive Plugin is the producer for “ATLAS_HOOK” topic in Kafka

SQL standard authorization provides grant/revoke functionality at database, table level. When a grant command is executed in beeline it updates/creates a policy for that user and when revoke is executed the user is added in the deny condition of the policy.

Ranger Hive Plugin Enforcement Example

  1. Create a database, table, column in hive service and also insert some data into it with hive user.

    • create database vehicle;
    • create table vehicle.cars(car_id int, car_name string, car_color string, car_price int);"
    • insert into vehicle.cars(car_id, car_name, car_color, car_price) VALUES (1,'car1','color1',100000), (2,'car2','color2',200000), (3,'car3','color3',300000), (4,'car4','color4',400000);
    • select * from vehicle.cars;
  2. Create external user 'externaluser1'

Access Enforcement steps

  1. Let's try to access the vehicle.cars table using 'externaluser1'.

    'externaluser1' will be denied access, because 'externaluser1' lacks permission to access the vehicle.cars table.

  2. Lets create a policy in ranger-hive for the user:

    • Resource : [database=vehicle, table=cars, column=*]
    • allow policy item : [user='externaluser1', permission=select]
  3. Let's try to access the vehicle.cars table using 'externaluser1'.

    'externaluser1' will be allowed access, because 'externaluser1' now has permission to access the vehicle.cars table.

  4. You can check the logs related to these actions, using Ranger Admin Web UI > Access > Audit tab.

Masking Enforcement steps

Suppose you don't want to show the car_price to 'externaluser1’ user so we can mask the data of that column for that user.

  1. Lets create a masking policy in ranger-hive for the user:
    • Resource : [database=vehicle, table=cars, column=car_price]
    • allow policy item : [user='externaluser1', permission=select, Select Masking Option=Partial mask: show last 4]
  2. Now let's try to access the vehicle.cars table using 'externaluser1'

    'externaluser1' will see the car_price - only last 4 digits - because 'externaluser1' has masked access to vehicle.cars table.

Row Enforcement steps

Suppose you don't want to show the only one row to 'externaluser1’ user so we can do it using the row filter policy.

  1. Lets create a masking policy in ranger-hive for the user:

    • Resource : [database=vehicle, table=cars]
    • allow policy item : [user='externaluser1', permission=select, Row Level Filter=car_color = 'color4']
  2. Now let's try to access the vehicle.cars table using 'externaluser1'.

    'externaluser1' will see only the row whose car_color is 'color4'.

Table 1. Hive Commands to Ranger Permission Mapping
Permission Action
SELECT Gives read access to an object.
CREATE Hive Create Table statement is used to create table.
UPDATE Gives the ability to run update queries on an object (table).

You can rename the table and column of existing Hive tables.

You can add a new column to the table.

Rename Hive table column.

Add or drop table partition.

Add Hadoop archive option to Hive table.

DROP DROP TABLE command in the hive is used to drop a table inside the hive.
INDEX An Index is nothing but a pointer on a particular column of a table. Creating an index means creating a pointer on a particular column of a table.
LOCK Is used to lock the table.
Read Read data from HDFS using hdfs or other cloud locations.
Write Export Data to a location in hdfs or other cloud locations.
ReplAdmin ReplAdmin privilege is related to REPL DUMP and REPL LOAD commands.
Service Admin Enable hive ranger plugin to isolate various admin operations, in this case "Kill Query". "Service Admin" won't be able to do DATABASE / TABLE / COLUMN operations as this will all be taken care by the existing DATABASE/TABLE/COLUMN level permission model.
Temporary UDF Admin Temporary UDF Admin is needed for creating UDFs.
Refresh Refresh is used by only impala.
ALL This is for all the permission mentioned above.