Select Services

The Select Services page allows you to select the services you want to install and configure.

After selecting the services you want to add, click Continue. The Assign Roles page displays.

Choose one of the following:

Regular (Base) Clusters

Cloudera Data Engineering
Process develop, and serve predictive models.
Services included: HDFS, YARN, YARN Queue Manager, Ranger, Atlas, Hive, Hive on Tez, Spark, Oozie, and Hue
Data Mart
Browse, query, and explore your data in an interactive way.
Services included: HDFS, Ranger, Atlas, Hive, and Hue
Cloudera Operational Database
Real-time insights for modern data-driven business.
Services included: HDFS, Ranger, Atlas, and HBase
Custom Services
Choose your own services. Services required by chosen services will automatically be included.