Setup Database
On the Setup Database page, you can enter the database hosts, names, usernames, and passwords you created in Step 3: Install and Configure Databases.
For services that support it, you can add finer-grained customizations using a JDBC URL override.
Select the database type and enter the database name, username, and password for each service.
For MariaDB, select MySQL.
For services that support it, to specify a JDBC URL override, select Yes in the Use JDBC URL Override drop-down menu. You must also specify the database type, username, and password.
If you are using a TLS 1.2-enabled MySQL, PostreSQL, or MariaDB databases, or TCPS-enabled Oracle database for your Runtime service, then see the service-specific instructions under Database setup details for cluster services for TLS 1.2/TCPS-enabled databases.
After verifying that each connection is successful, click Continue. The Review Changes page displays.