Configuring the compaction check interval
You need to know when and how to control the compaction process checking, performed in the background, of the file system for changes that require compaction.
When you turn on the compaction initiator, consider setting the
property. This property determines how often the
initiator should search for possible tables, partitions, or compaction. By default, the value for
this property is set to 300 seconds. Decreasing hive.compactor.check.interval
has the following effect: - Reduces the time it takes for compaction to be started for a table or partition that requires compaction.
- Requires several calls to the file system for each table or partition that has undergone a transaction since the last major compaction, resulting in increases to the load on the filesystem.
To configure the compaction check interval, set the
. For example:
From Cloudera Manager, go to and set the value for the hive.compactor.check.interval
parameter in the Hive Metastore Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety
Valve) for hive-site.xml file.