Determining the threshold
Container Balancer balances the utilization of DataNodes in a cluster using the Threshold. Learn how to determine the threshold value before configuring the required parameters.
Ozone’s Container Balancer tries to bring the utilization of DataNodes closer to the cluster’s average utilization. Utilization is defined as used space divided by capacity. Container Balancer uses the hdds.container.balancer.utilization.threshold property, also known as threshold, to decide which DataNodes are unbalanced. The threshold is a percentage in the range of 0 to 100. The default value is 10 %.
If you set the threshold value to a lower value, say 1 %, Container Balancer tries to bring the utilization of DataNodes close to 1 % of the average cluster utilization. This means moving more containers and having to run for a longer time. At a higher threshold value, say 20 %, the Container Balancer tries to bring the utilization of DataNodes within 20 % of the average cluster utilization. This will move fewer containers, and hence take less time.
Cloudera Data Platform recommends lowering the threshold if you want the balancer to act more frequently.
If you have a 90-node cluster with 18 PB capacity out of which Ozone, other processes, and files have used 14PB. You added 10 more nodes with a total capacity of 2PB to the cluster. You want to run the container balancer with the default threshold at 10%.
The utilization average of this cluster is Total capacity used in the cluster (14PB) / Total capacity of the cluster (18PB + 2PB) * 100 = 70%
Container Balancer tries to move the containers between over-utilized and under-utilized nodes over multiple iterations to get individual datanodes utilization closer to the cluster's average utilization.
- Over-utilized nodes have utilization greater than the average cluster utilization by the threshold percentage. For example, since the threshold is 10%, the utilization of nodes >80% is over-utilized.
- Under-utilized nodes have utilization less than the average cluster utilization by the threshold percentage. For example, since the threshold is 10%, the utilization of nodes <60% is under-utilized.
- The newly added host with a utilization of 0% must be part of the under-utilized nodes.