EC reconstruction commands

Learn about EC reconstruction commands, the configurations you can use to control it, and how the Cloudera Replication Manager (RM) replicates data from a decommissioning host to other datanodes.

The EC reconstruction commands are the most expensive commands scheduled on datanodes. A reconstruction command recovers between 1 and the EC scheme parity number replicas, and reads from the EC scheme data number replicas.

The EC reconstruction commands share the same limits on the datanodes as replication commands, but reconstruction commands are given a weighting (default 3 at the current time) as they are more expensive for the coordinator node to run.

Use the hdds.scm.replication.datanode.reconstruction.weight configuration to configure the weight given to EC reconstruction commands, and the hdds.scm.replication.datanode.replication.limit configuration to adjust the total limit of replication and EC reconstruction commands.

EC and decommissioning

RM is responsible for replicating data from a decommissioning host to other datanodes so that the decommissioning task can be completed.

When a node hosting a RATIS container is decommissioned, there are generally 3 sources available for the container replicas. One on the decommissioning host, and then 2 others on somewhat random nodes across the cluster. This allows the decommissioning load and the speed of decommission to be shared across many more nodes.

For an EC container, the decommissioning host is likely the only source of the replica which needs to be copied and hence the decommission will be slower.

A host which is decommissioning is generally not used for RATIS reads unless there are no other nodes available, but it would still be used for EC reads to avoid online reconstruction. As decommission progresses on the node, and new copies are formed, the read load declines over time. Furthermore, decommissioning nodes are not used for writes, so they should be under less load than other cluster nodes.

Due to the reduced load on a decommissioning host, it is possible to increase the number of commands queued on a decommissioning host and also increase the number of commands allowed to run in parallel.

When a datanode switches to a decommissioning state, it adjusts the size of the replication supervisor thread pool higher, and if the node returns to the in-service state, then it returns to the lower thread pool limit.

Similarly, RM increases the limit for the number of replication commands that can be queued on a datanode that is decommissioning or entering maintenance. SCM can allocate more commands to the decommissioning host, as it should process them more quickly due to the lower load and increased threadpool.

You can use the hdds.datanode.replication.outofservice.limit.factor configuration to increase the size of a decommissioning datanode’s thread pool and the number of replication commands that can be queued on it.