Setting up o3fs
Select the Ozone bucket to configure o3fs
Select the Ozone bucket on which you want
to reside.If you do not have a designated volume or bucket foro3fs
, create them using the commandsozone sh volume create /volume ozone sh bucket create /volume/bucket
file system implementation classpath is added to Cloudera Data Platform services by default. But if an application is unable to instantiate theo3fs
file system class, add the ozone-filesystem-hadoop3.jar to the classpath.export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/opt/ozone/share/ozonefs/lib/hadoop-ozone-filesystem-hadoop3-*.jar:$HADOOP_CLASSPATH
After setting up
, you can run HDFS commands such as the following on Ozone: (Assuming Ozone Service ID is ozone)hdfs dfs -ls o3fs://bucket.volume.ozone/ and hdfs dfs -mkdir o3fs://bucket.volume.ozone/usersNow, applications such as Hive and Spark can run on this file system after some basic configuration changes.