You must first authenticate and obtain the cookies to send a request.
Authenticate and obtain cookie
- Log in to Cloudera Manager and get the cookie to send a request.
This generates a session cookie that must be provided with every request. If you are
using an HTTP client such as Postman, you can copy the cookie value from your browser
and add it as a header to your requests. You can also authenticate and obtain the cookie
using the command line using cURL, as follows:
curl -i -k -v -c cookies.txt -u admin:admin http://<cm_host>:7180/api/v41/clusters
- This command saves the resulting cookie in cookies.txt. You can
use the cookie to make the requests. Run the following command to make the initial
validation request.
curl -v -k -b cookies.txt -u <username>:<password> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -H 'referer: http://<cm_host>:7180/cmf/clusters/Cluster%201/queue-manager/' http://<cm_host>:7180/cmf/clusters/Cluster%201/queue-manager-api/api/v1/environments/dev/clusters/Cluster%201/resources/scheduler/partitions/default/queues/root.default -d '<request_body>'
- Log in to Cloudera Manager and get the cookie to send a request.
This generates a session cookie that must be provided with every request. If you are
using an HTTP client such as Postman, you can copy the cookie value from your browser
and add it as a header to your requests. You can also authenticate and obtain the cookie
using the command line using cURL, as follows:
Secure cluster (SSL and Kerberos enabled)
If you are using a cluster secured with SSL and Kerberos, obtain the required certificates.
- Create a directory on your machine to copy the certificates from the Queue
Manager node. The following command creates the apiCerts
mkdir apiCerts
- SSH to your Queue Manager node to obtain the WebApp folder information.
cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/
- Copy the certificates from the Queue Manager node to the “apiCerts” directory.
scp -i <your_keypair> root@<qm_host>:/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/{12}-queuemanager-QUEUEMANAGER_WEBAPP/cm-auto-host_cert_chain.pem apiCerts/
- Copy the following certificates from the Queue Manager node.
scp -i <your_keypair> root@<qm_host>:/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/12-queuemanager-QUEUEMANAGER_WEBAPP/cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem apiCerts/ scp -i <your_keypair> root@<qm_host>:/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/12-queuemanager-QUEUEMANAGER_WEBAPP/cm-auto-host_cert_chain.pem apiCerts/ scp -i <your_keypair> root@<qm_host>:/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/12-queuemanager-QUEUEMANAGER_WEBAPP/cm-auto-host_key.pem apiCerts/ scp -i <your_keypair> root@<qm_host>:/var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/12-queuemanager-QUEUEMANAGER_WEBAPP/ apiCerts/
- Decrypt the certificate so that you can use it later in the cURL call.
openssl rsa -passin -in cm-auto-host_key.pem -out cm-auto-host_key_decrypted.pem chmod 644 cm-auto-host_key_decrypted.pem
- Save the cookie for the API calls.
curl --key cm-auto-host_key_decrypted.pem --cert cm-auto-host_cert_chain.pem --cacert cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem -v -c cookies_ssl.txt -u admin:admin https://<cm_host>:7183/api/v41/clusters
Make the initial validation request.
curl --key cm-auto-host_key_decrypted.pem --cert cm-auto-host_cert_chain.pem --cacert cm-auto-global_cacerts.pem -v -b cookies_ssl.txt -u admin:admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -H 'referer: https://<cm_host>:7183/cmf/clusters/Cluster%201/queue-manager/' https://<cm_host>:7183/cmf/clusters/Cluster%201/queue-manager-api/api/v1/environments/dev/clusters/Cluster%201/resources/scheduler/partitions/default/queues/root.default\?validate=true\&startsafemode=60 -d '<request_body>
- Create a directory on your machine to copy the certificates from the Queue
Manager node. The following command creates the apiCerts