Creating Iceberg tables using Hue

You can create Iceberg tables in Hue by using a CREATE TABLE statement or by importing CSV files using the Hue importer.

Following is a sample Impala query to create an Iceberg table in the default Parquet format. You can run this query from the Impala editor in Hue:
CREATE TABLE ice_t2 (i int, s string, ts timestamp, d date)

Alternatively, you can create an Iceberg table by importing a CSV file in Hue. You can either use an existing file present on your filesystem or upload a new file into Hue.

  1. Log in to the Hue web interface.
  2. Click Importer on the left-assist panel.
  3. Select Remote File from the Type drop-down menu.
  4. Click .. adjoining to the Path option.
    The Choose a file modal is displayed.
  5. Upload a CSV file or select an available file present on your filesystem.
    Format and preview details are displayed.
    At this point, you can select the characters that should be used for the field separator, record separator, and quotes.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify the type and name of your table under the DESTINATION section.
  8. Expand the Extras section under the PROPERTIES section and select the Iceberg table option.
    Verify other entries and make the necessary modifications.
  9. Click Submit.
    The CREATE TABLE query is submitted with your preferences.