Performing maintenance of a single host in the Cloudera Embedded Container Service cluster
You can perform maintenance on the nodes in your Cloudera Embedded Container Service cluster by shutting down the nodes one at a time.
- The containerized cluster must be configured for Cloudera Embedded Container Service Server high availability to reduce the downtime.
- You must be able to log into the nodes as root or have sudo privileges.
- The node to be maintained must have a status of Ready. A status
of NotReady may suggest the node is having other complicating
issues. Run the following command on an Cloudera Embedded Container Service server node to
verify status of the nodes.
/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml get nodes
Performing the maintenance of all hosts in the Embedded Container Service cluster
If you want to perform the maintenance of all hosts in the ECS cluster follow below steps:
- Log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
- Click the Action menu next to the ECS cluster and select Stop.
- Perform the maintenance on all the hosts.
- Reboot the hosts.
- Log in to the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
- Click the Action menu next to the ECS cluster and select Start.
- Click .
- Go to the ECS service page and verify that the Vault is not sealed. This information displays in the Health Tests section.
- If the Vault is sealed, click .