This procedure describes how to migrate keys from Key Trustee Server to Ranger
Locate the keys in Key Trustee Server.
Login to Ranger UI with Key Admin credentials.
Go to Key Management -> Select Service , to view the HDFS encryption
zone keys with service Ranger KMS KTS
If NavEncrypt is setup, locate its keys.
SSH in to the active KTS node.
Login to Postgres 14 database for 7.1.9 , or to Postgres 12 database for CDP
versions 7.1.8 and less.
The 'keytrustee' user is created with 'nologin' by default. Update the keytrustee user in /etc/passwd before accessing the database by running the following command:
sed -i "/keytrustee:x:$( id -u keytrustee ):$( id -g keytrustee ):Keytrustee User:\/var\/lib\/keytrustee:\/sbin\/nologin/c\keytrustee:x:$( id -u keytrustee ):$( id -g keytrustee ):Keytrustee User:\/var\/lib\/keytrustee:\/bin\/bash" /etc/passwd
Run the following commands :
select handle from deposit;
For CDP version 7.1.9 :
# sudo -u keytrustee LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/KEYTRUSTEE_SERVER/PG_DB/opt/postgres/14.2/lib /opt/cloudera/parcels/KEYTRUSTEE_SERVER/PG_DB/opt/postgres/14.2/bin/psql -p 11381 keytrustee
keytrustee=# select handle from deposit;
(6 rows)
For CDP versions less than 7.1.9
# sudo -u keytrustee LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cloudera/parcels/KEYTRUSTEE_SERVER/PG_DB/opt/postgres/12.1/lib /opt/cloudera/parcels/KEYTRUSTEE_SERVER/PG_DB/opt/postgres/12.1/bin/psql -p 11381 keytrustee
keytrustee=# select handle from deposit;
(6 rows)
Backup the KTS database.
The backup will be created at /var/lib/keytrustee/ on Active KTS node.
Export the NavEncrypt keys.
Go to Cloudera Manager > Key Trustee Server > Click on Actions > Export NavEncrypt Deposits from Keytrustee
This will generate the CSV required to import NavEncrypt keys in
Ranger KMS DB after migration. The deposits.csv file will be created at
Back up the Ranger KMS KTS directory and generate a keystore file of existing encryption zone keys.
The keystore file is protected using Store password (default value :
mystorepass) and Key password (default value : mykeypass),that are configurable
in RANGER KMS KTS configuration.
Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger KMS KTS > Actions and select Export keys from Ranger KMS KTS
The service GPG keys backup and keystore file will be created at /var/lib/kms-keytrustee on Ranger KMS KTS node.
Stop HDFS and Ranger KMS KTS.
Delete the Ranger KMS KTS service from CM UI.
Add the Ranger KMS service from CM UI and follow the steps as per wizard. For more info, see related links for 'Configuring a database for Ranger or Ranger KMS' and 'Installing Ranger KMS backed by a Database and HA'
Enable the migration flag and complete the wizard.
Go to Cloudera Manager > Ranger KMS > Configurationand check Enable Ranger KMS KTS Migration.
Configure the Key password (default value : mykeypass) and Store password (default value : mystorepass) in Ranger KMS configuration.
These are the same passwords that were configured in Step 3 in Ranger KMS
If NavEncrypt is configured on the cluster, copy deposits.csv file to the
Ranger KMS node, and grant permission kms:kms.
The location is configurable using the property Key Trustee
NavEncrypt Keys Full Path.
# scp /var/lib/kms-keytrustee
100% 10KB 8.2MB/s 00:00
# ls -ltr /var/lib/kms-keytrustee/deposits.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10401 Jun 15 03:34 /var/lib/kms-keytrustee/deposits.csv
# chown kms:kms /var/lib/kms-keytrustee/deposits.csv
# ls -ltr /var/lib/kms-keytrustee
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 kms kms 20480 Jun 14 11:22 kms_bak_dsktstokms-3_vpc_cloudera_com_2023-06-14_11-22-42.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 kms kms 352 Jun 14 11:22 kt_bak_dsktstokms-3_vpc_cloudera_com_2023-06-14_11-22-42.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 kms kms 20480 Jun 15 03:20 kms_bak_dsktstokms-3_vpc_cloudera_com_2023-06-15_03-20-54.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 kms kms 352 Jun 15 03:20 kt_bak_dsktstokms-3_vpc_cloudera_com_2023-06-15_03-20-54.log
drwxr-xr-x 3 kms kms 55 Jun 15 03:21 keytrustee
-rw-r--r-- 1 kms kms 10401 Jun 15 03:34 deposits.csv
If you want to migrate the KMS hosts, then also copy the
migratedKeyStore.jceks file to the Ranger KMS node.