Restoring Ozone snapshots in Cloudera Manager

You can restore an Ozone snapshot to a previous version or restore the snapshot to another bucket and volume in Cloudera Manager. You can also delete a snapshot.

Ozone snapshot restore performs the following actions while restoring the Ozone snapshots:

  • Overwrites the keys in the destination bucket if they are also available in the snapshot.
  • Retains the keys in the destination bucket if they are not in the snapshot.
  • Creates the keys that are not in the destination bucket but are available in the snapshot.
  1. Go to the Cloudera Manager > Clusters > [***OZONE SERVICE***] > Bucket Browser tab.
  2. Enter the Volume and Bucket, and click Go to bucket.
    On the Bucket Browser tab, you can:
    • View and browse the list of all the available volumes in the Ozone service.

      Click a volume in the Name column, or enter the name of a specific Volume and Bucket to see the list of files and directories in it. Optionally, you can Filter the results.

    • Access the Snapshots section where you can:

      • View the list of snapshots available for the bucket.
      • Create Snapshot instantly.
      • Restore Bucket from Snapshot.
      • Restore Bucket From Snapshot As… to a different bucket, or restore it to another volume and bucket.
      • Click Actions > Delete for a snapshot to delete it permanently.
  3. You can perform the following tasks depending on your requirements:
    1. To restore a bucket to its previous version, perform the following steps:
      1. Click Restore Bucket From Snapshot.
      2. Select the Snapshot to which you want to restore the volume and bucket in the Restore Snapshot modal window.
      3. Click Restore.

        The Restore Ozone snapshot modal window appears where you can view the commands which restore the volume and bucket to the specified snapshot.

    2. To restore a bucket using a snapshot to another location, perform the following steps:
      1. Click Restore Bucket From Snapshot As….
      2. Enter Destination volume and Destination bucket.
      3. Choose the Snapshot that you want to use to update the selected volume and bucket.