CDH 6 to CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Step 12: Complete Post-Upgrade steps for upgrades to Cloudera Base on premises

Steps to perform after upgrading a cluster.

My Environment

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Several components require additional steps after you complete the upgrade to Cloudera Base on premises:
  • HBase See Apache HBase post-upgrade tasks
  • Apache Hive See Hive Post-Upgrade Tasks.
  • Kafka
    1. Remove the following properties from the Kafka Broker Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for configuration property.
      • log.message.format.version
    2. Save your changes.
    3. Perform a rolling restart:
      1. Select the Kafka service.
      2. Click Actions > Rolling Restart.
      3. In the pop-up dialog box, select the options you want and click Rolling Restart.
      4. Click Close once the command has finished.
  • Kudu See Upgrade Notes for Apache Kudu 1.15 / CDP 7.1
  • Stream Messaging Manager See Configure SMM to monitor SRM replications
  • YARN
    • Scheduler: If you are using Fair Scheduler, you must migrate to Capacity Scheduler during the upgrade process, and once the upgrade is finished you need to manually fine tune it. For more information, see Manual configuration of scheduler properties.
    • Considering logical processors in the calculation: The yarn.nodemanager.resource.count-logical-processors-as-cores property was not present in CDH 5. In Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 (and in CDH 6), it is set to false by default, meaning that YARN does not consider logical processors in the calculation which can result in a performance degradatio if Linux Container Executor and CGroups are enabled. The extent of such degradation depends on the CPU manufacturer. To solve this issue, do the following:
      1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to YARN > Configuration.
      2. Find the YARN Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for yarn-site.xml property.
      3. Add the following configuration:

        Using this configuration snippet ensures that all nodes that need the configuration receive it. This also ensures different NodeManager groups are consistently configured.

      4. Restart the NodeManager.
    • NodeManager recovery: The default value of the yarn.nodemanager.recovery.enabled property is true. However, if in you source cluster you used safety-valves to set this property to false it will stay false after upgrading from CDH 6 to CDP. Cloudera recommends to have this feature enabled and set the yarn.nodemanager.recovery.enabled property to true.
    • Log aggregation:: In order to see the history of applications that were launched before upgrade, do the following:
      1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to YARN > Configuration > Category: Log aggreation.
      2. See the following configurations:
    • Maximum capacity: Set the yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queuepath>.user-limit-factor to a value that is greater than 1. This configuration will help to grow the queue usage beyond its configured capacity till its maximum capacity configured.
  • YARN Queue Manager
    1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to HDFS > Configuration.
    2. Find the hadoop.http.staticuser.user property.
    3. If it is set, then remove the configuration.
    4. Restart the required services.
  • Ranger Plugins
    The following Ranger plugins are not enabled by default after the upgrade. If these services are configured in the cluster, you will need to manually enable the plugins in order for them to use Ranger:
    The following Ranger plugins are enabled after an upgrade:
    • Atlas
    • HDFS
    • Hive
    • Hive on Tez
    • Impala
    • Kafka
  • ZooKeeper

    Ensure, that QuorumSSL (Secure ZooKeeper) is enabled only if QuorumSASL (Server to server SASL authentication) is also enabled. Note, that QuorumSSL is enabled by default if AutoTLS is enabled. If QuorumSSL is enabled without QuorumSASL, then the ZooKeeper cluster can be slow to start due to some known ZooKeeper limitations.

  • Sentry – See Importing Sentry privileges into Ranger policies.
  • Impala – See Apache Impala changes in CDP