Step 7: Configure Streams Messaging Manager

Additional steps

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If your cluster uses Streams Messaging Manager, you need to update database related configuration properties and configure the streamsmsgmgr user’s home directory.

  1. Stop the Streams Messaging Manager Service:
    1. In Cloudera Manager, select the Streams Messaging Manager service.
    2. Click Actions > Stop.
    3. Click Stop on the next screen to confirm.

      When you see a Finished status, the service has stopped.

    4. Click Close.
  2. Configure database related properties:
    1. In Cloudera Manager, select the Streams Messaging Manager service.
    2. Go to Configuration.
    3. Find and configure the following properties:
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database User Password
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Type
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Name
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database User
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Host
      • Streams Messaging Manager Database Port
    4. Click Save Changes.
  3. Change the streamsmsgmgr user’s home directory:
    1. Log in to the Streams Messaging Manager host.
    2. Change the streamsmsgmgr user’s home directory to /var/lib/streams_messaging_manager.
      usermod -d /var/lib/streams_messaging_manager -m streamsmsgmgr