Manual upgrade to Cloudera Base on premises
Manual steps to follow for upgrading a CDH or Cloudera Runtime cluster to a higher version of Cloudera Runtime if the Upgrade Wizard fails.
All steps below assume the starting CDH version is at least 5.13.0 or the starting Cloudera Runtime version is at least 7.0.3, because those are the lowest versions that Cloudera Manager 7.1 supports.
The steps below should be executed roughly in the order that they are listed, and should only be executed if the service is configured.
Upgrade Ranger database and apply patches
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the RANGER service.
Select Upgrade Ranger Database and apply patches to confirm.
and apply patches and click
Setup Ranger Admin Component
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the Ranger service.
Select Setup Ranger Admin Component to confirm.
and click
Start Ranger
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the Ranger service.
Set up the Ranger Plugin service
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the Ranger service.
Select Setup Ranger Plugin Service to confirm.
and click
Start Kudu
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the KUDU service.
- Select .
Start ZooKeeper
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 to 6.0.0 or higher
- Go to the ZooKeeper service.
- Select .
Upgrade HDFS Metadata
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the HDFS service.
- Select Upgrade HDFS Metadata to confirm. and click
Start HDFS
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the HDFS service.
- Select .
Start YARN QueueManager
Required for the following upgrades:
- Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the QueueManager service.
Import Sentry Polices to Ranger
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HDFS service.
Select Import Sentry Policies into Ranger to confirm.
and click
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the HBASE service.
- Select .
Start YARN QueueManager
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the QueueManager service.
Clean NodeManager Recovery Directory (YARN)
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the YARN service.
Select Clean NodeManager Recovery Directory to confirm.
and click
Reset ACLs on YARN Zookeeper nodes
Required for the following upgrades:
- Upgrading from CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Any other upgrade if Enable ResourceManager Recovery is enabled for a Resource Manager group (for example, ResourceManager Default Group) and ZooKeeper is a dependency of YARN. Note that when YARN is running in High Availability mode, ResourceManager recovery is always enabled.
- Go to the YARN service.
- Select
- Click Reset ACLs on YARN Zookeeper nodes to confirm.
Install YARN MapReduce Framework Jars
Required for all CDH upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the YARN service.
- Select Install YARN MapReduce Framework JARs to confirm. and click
Start YARN
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the YARN service.
- Select .
Deploy Client Configuration Files
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- On the Home page, click to the right of the cluster name and select Deploy Client Configuration.
- Click the Deploy Client Configuration button in the confirmation pop-up that appears.
Reinitialize Solr State for Upgrade
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SOLR service.
Select Reinitialize Solr State for Upgrade to confirm.
and click
Bootstrap Solr Configuration
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SOLR service.
Select Bootstrap Solr Configuration to confirm.
and click
Start Solr
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SOLR service.
- Select .
Bootstrap Solr Collections
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SOLR service.
Select Bootstrap Solr Collections to confirm.
and click
Create HDFS Home directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the infrastructure SOLR service.
Select Create HDFS Home Dir to confirm.
and click
Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the Solr service.
Select Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
and click
Start infrastructure Solr
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the infrastructure SOLR service.
- Select .
Required for the following upgrades:
- Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the HBASE service.
- Select .
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the KAFKA service.
- Select .
Create Ranger Kafka Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the KAFKA service.
Select Create Ranger Kafka Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
and click
Create HBase tables for Atlas
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the ATLAS service.
Select Create HBase tables for Atlas to confirm.
and click
Start Atlas
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the ATLAS service.
- Select .
Create Ranger Atlas Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the ATLAS service.
and click Create Ranger Atlas Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
Start Phoenix
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the PHOENIX service.
- Select .
Install MapReduce Framework Jars
Required for the following upgrades:
- Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the YARN service.
- Select Install YARN MapReduce Framework JARs to confirm. and click
Start YARN
Required for the following upgrades:
- Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the YARN service.
- Select .
Deploy Client Configuration Files
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- On the Home page, click to the right of the cluster name and select Deploy Client Configuration.
- Click the Deploy Client Configuration button in the confirmation pop-up that appears.
Upgrade the Hive Metastore Database
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to 6.0.0 or higher
- Go to the Hive service.
- If the Hive service is running, stop it:
- Select Stop to confirm. and click
- Select Upgrade Hive Metastore Database Schema to confirm. and click
- If you have multiple instances of Hive, perform the upgrade on each metastore database.
- Select Validate Hive Metastore Schema to check that the schema is now valid. and click
Start Hive
Required for the following upgrades:
- 5.x and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the Hive service.
- Select .
Create Hive Warehouse Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HIVE service.
Select Create Hive Warehouse Directory to confirm.
and click
Create Hive Warehouse External Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HIVE service.
Select Create Hive Warehouse External Directory to confirm.
and click
Create Hive Sys database
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HIVE service.
Select Create Hive Sys database to confirm.
and click
Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HIVE service.
Select Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
and click
Start Impala
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to 6.0.0 or higher
- Go to the Impala service.
- Select .
Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the Impala service.
Select Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
and click
Create Spark Driver Log Dir
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SPARK_ON_YARN service.
Select Create Spark Driver Log Dir to confirm.
and click
Start Spark
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the SPARK_ON_YARN service.
- Select .
Start Livy
Required for the following upgrades:
Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the LIVY service.
- Select .
Upgrade Oozie Database Schema
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the OOZIE service.
If the OOZIE service is running, stop it:
Select Actions > Stop and click Stop to confirm.
Select Upgrade Oozie Database Schema to confirm.
and click
Updating column types in Oozie Database
If the Oracle database is used for Oozie, then you must update the
column type to store values with more than 255 characters. This
ensures Oozie does not get stuck in PREP state when your application path exceeds the 255
character limit. If the APP_PATH
column type is not updated, then Oozie
fails to run the jobs with the following database error message Data too long
for column 'app_path'. This scenario is also applicable to coordinator and
bundle jobs. For database types other than Oracle, this update is not mandatory for using
Oozie. It works without the update if the APP_PATH
value does not exceed
255 characters. Also, Oozie's internal database schema validation fails with an unexpected
column type. However, this validation does not have any effect.
It just logs it's result.
column type in the
COORD_JOBS tables in the Oozie database for the following
conditions:- When you use the Oracle database for Oozie service.
- When you are upgrading Cloudera Runtime from earlier versions to Cloudera Base on premises 7.1.9 SP1 CHF1 version or later.
If you do not execute the following statements on the Oozie Oracle database, then the Oozie service fails to run the jobs with a database persistence error. This update is not mandatory, but highly recommended for other database types, such as MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL, due to the internal database schema validation.
- On the Oozie Oracle database - The following example uses the Oracle sqlplus
- On the Oozie MySQL database - The following example uses the MySQL mysql command-line
$ mysql -u root -p Enter password: mysql> use <OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME>; Database changed mysql> ALTER TABLE <TABLE_NAME> MODIFY COLUMN app_path text; Query OK, X rows affected (0.03 sec) Records: X Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> exit Bye
- On the Oozie MariaDB database - The following example uses the MariaDB mysql
command-line tool:
$ mysql -u root -p Enter password: MariaDB [(none)]> use <OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME>; Database changed MariaDB [OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME]> ALTER TABLE <TABLE_NAME> MODIFY COLUMN app_path text; Query OK, X rows affected (2.11 sec) Records: X Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 MariaDB [OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME]> exit Bye
- On the Oozie PostgreSQL database - The following example uses the PostgreSQL psql
command-line tool:
$ psql -U postgres Password for user postgres: ***** postgres=# \c <OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME>; You are now connected to database "<OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME>" as user "postgres". OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME=# ALTER TABLE <TABLE_NAME> ALTER COLUMN app_path type text; ALTER TABLE OOZIE_DATABASE_NAME=# \q
Upgrade Oozie SharedLib
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the Oozie service.
- If the OOZIE service is stopped, start it:
Select Start to confirm.
and click - Select and click Install Oozie SharedLib to confirm.
Upload Tez tar file to HDFS
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the TEZ service.
Select Actions > Upload Tez tar file to HDFS and click Upload Tez tar file to HDFS to confirm.
Migrate Hive tables for Cloudera Base on premises upgrade
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
Go to the HIVE_ON_TEZ service.
Select Migrate Hive tables for CDP upgrade to confirm.
and click
Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the Hive-on-Tez service.
Select Create Ranger Plugin Audit Directory to confirm.
and click
Start Hive on Tez
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the Hive-on-Tez service.
- Select .
Start Hue
Required for the following upgrades:
CDH and Cloudera Runtime 7.0.x to Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 or higher
- Go to the HUE service.
- Select .
Start the Remaining Cluster Services
Use rolling restart or full restart.
Ensure that all services are started or restarted. You can use Cloudera Manager to start the cluster, or you can restart the services individually. The Cloudera Manager Home page indicates which services have stale configurations and require restarting.
To start or restart the cluster:
On the Start or Restart.
page, click the down arrow to the right of the cluster name and select -
Click Start that appears in the next screen to confirm. The Command Details window shows the progress of starting services.
When All services successfully started appears, the task is complete and you can close the Command Details window.
Validate the Hive Metastore Database Schema
Required for the following upgrades:
- CDH to 6.0.0 or higher
- Select Validate Hive Metastore Schema to confirm. and click
- If you have multiple instances of Hive, perform the validation on each metastore database.
- Select Validate Hive Metastore Schema to check that the schema is now valid. and click
Test the Cluster and Finalize HDFS Metadata
To determine if you can finalize the upgrade, run important workloads and ensure that they are successful. After you have finalized the upgrade, you cannot roll back to a previous version of HDFS without using backups. Verifying that you are ready to finalize the upgrade can take a long time.
- Go to the HDFS service.
- Click the Instances tab.
- Click the link for the NameNode instance. If you have enabled
high availability for HDFS, click the link labeled
NameNode (Active).
The NameNode instance page displays.
- Select and click Finalize Metadata Upgrade to confirm.
Clear the Upgrade State Table
- Log in to the Cloudera Manager server host.
- Stop the
sudo systemctl stop cloudera-scm-server
- Log in to the command-line environment for the Cloudera Manager
database. (
, orpostgres psql
). - Run the following
- Start the
sudo systemctl start cloudera-scm-server