Procedure to Downgrade or Rollback from CDP 7.1.9

You can rollback an upgrade from CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 to 7.1.8 or 7.1.7 SP3 or 7.1.7 SP2 or 7.1.7 SP1. You can downgrade an upgrade from CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 to 7.1.8 or 7.1.7 SP3 or 7.1.7 SP2. Before you downgrade or rollback, make sure that you inspect each supported component to ensure that your intended process works in a seamless manner.

This section helps you understand and perform the downgrade or rollback process. In case you cannot upgrade your cluster due to an incompatible change, catastrophic failure, or accidental upgrade, you can use the below manual procedure to rollback or downgrade your cluster. In most cases, resolving the upgrade issue and continuing the upgrade is the preferred path. Performing a downgrade or rollback is an advanced operation. Not all components support downgrade and rollback. Contact Cloudera Support for guidance on performing a downgrade or rollback.

Downgrade - Downgrade restores the software to the prior release version but data remains intact. Service Interruptions may or may not be required for downgrade depending on the component.

Rollback - Rollback the state of the data of the upgraded components to the pre-upgrade state. A Rollback may require a service Interruption and is not an automated operation.

Review Limitations

The rollback procedure has the following limitations:

  • HDFS – If you have finalized the HDFS upgrade, you cannot roll back your cluster.
  • Compute clusters – Rollback for Compute clusters is not currently supported.

  • Configuration changes, including the addition of new services or roles after the upgrade, are not retained after rolling back Cloudera Manager.
  • HBase – If your cluster is configured to use HBase replication, data written to HBase after the upgrade might not be replicated to peers when you start your rollback. This topic does not describe how to determine which, if any, peers have the replicated data and how to roll back that data. For more information about HBase replication, see HBase Replication.
  • Kafka – Once the Kafka log format and protocol version configurations (the and log.message.format.version properties) are set to the new version (or left blank, which means to use the latest version), Kafka rollback is not possible.