Custom Spark SQL Warehouse Directory
If required, you must configure the Spark SQL warehouse location in the upgraded cluster.
If Applicable: Configure Custom Spark SQL Warehouse Directory
Since Spark 2.0.0, Spark references spark.sql.warehouse.dir as the default Spark SQL
Warehouse location. In HDP 2.6.5.x, the standard value for the
spark.sql.warehouse.dir property is
. On an Ambari cluster with HDP 2.6.5.x, this
property must be set manually in both Custom spark2-defaults
Custom spark2-thrift-sparkconf
. When upgrading from HDP 2.6.5.x to
HDP intermediate bits, Ambari migrates the spark.sql.warehouse.dir
property to Advanced spark2-defaults
and Advanced
, and changes the value of this property to
. This is done to accommodate the separate
Spark and Hive catalogs introduced in the HDP intermediate bits. If you used a custom
setting for the spark.sql.warehouse.dir property in HDP 2.6.5.x, the Ambari upgrade to
HDP intermediate bits ignores the custom setting and sets the value of the
spark.sql.warehouse.dir property to
in both Advanced
and Advanced spark2-thrift-sparkconf
If you want to use a custom Spark SQL warehouse after upgrading to the HDP intermediate
bits, select Spark2 > Configs, then use Add
Property in Advanced spark2-defaults
Advanced spark2-thrift-sparkconf
to update the value of the
spark.sql.warehouse.dir property with the custom setting.
If Hive is configured to run as a custom user, you must change the ownership of your new
Hive warehouse directory to be owned by that custom user. hdfs dfs -chown
cstm-hive /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/