Restore Ranger Admin Database

To restore Ranger admin databases, perform the following steps. First Stop Ranger Admin and KMS services if it's running and then follow below given steps.


Perform the following steps to restore a database.
  1. Delete an existing Database.
  2. Create an empty new database on the database host.
  3. Restore the database using below msyql command.
    mysql -u root
    drop database ranger;
    create database ranger;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ranger.* TO 'rangeradmin'@'localhost';
    $ mysql -u [username] -p  existing_empty_db_name < dump_fileName.sql
mysql -u rangeradmin -p rangeradmin < /root/backups/ranger/db/admin/ranger.sql

Select the Enter key. Type the database password at the password prompt.


Perform the following steps to restore a database.

  1. Delete an existing Database.
  2. Create an empty new database in its place.
  3. Execute the below command on postgres db host.
    dropdb -U owner_username dbname; [Enter db owner password at the prompt]


    dropdb -U rangeradmin ranger;
    su  -  postgres
    create database ranger;
    ALTER DATABASE ranger OWNER TO rangeradmin; 
    psql -U rangeradmin ranger < /root/backups/ranger/db/admin/ranger.sql 

    [Enter db owner password at the prompt as rangeradmin]

    Set path to oracle home if required :
    export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/12.2.0
    export PATH=${PATH}:${ORACLE_HOME}/bin
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl12c
    Restore ranger admin database.
    rm -rf del_admin_tbl_cmd.sql
    sqlplus -s rangeradmin/rangeradmin << EOF 
            			spool on
            			spool del_admin_tbl_cmd.sql
            			SELECT 'DROP TABLE "' || TABLE_NAME || '" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;' FROM user_tables
            			union ALL
            			select 'drop '||object_type||' '|| object_name || ';' from user_objects 
            			where object_type in ('VIEW','PACKAGE','SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION')
            			union ALL
            			SELECT 'drop '
            			||' '
            			|| object_name
            			|| ' force;'
            			FROM user_objects
            			WHERE object_type IN ('TYPE');
            			spool off
    Type the database password at the password prompt and then execute the below imp command.
    imp rangeradmin/rangeradmin file=backups/ranger/db/admin/orcl12c.sql log=backups/ranger/db/admin/restore.log