Ambari Infra Solr

Use the following steps to restore backed-up ambari infras solr data.

  1. Start Ambari-Infra service in Ambari UI.
  2. Restore backed-up infra-solr data on the node where the infra-solr is installed.
    For unsecured cluster
    curl -v 
    curl -v 
    curl -v 
    curl -v
    curl -v
    curl -v 
    curl -v 

    For secured cluster

    If the cluster is Kerberized, then you must kinit as the service principal.

    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 
    curl -v --negotiate -u: 