CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.5 Release Summary

December 2020

Cloudera is pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud (PvC) Base version 7.1.5. CDP PvC Base 7.1.5 is a cumulative maintenance release carrying forward all features and functions from versions 7.1.4 and earlier, and adds the following features:


  • FIPS 140-2 Compliance support for a subset of platform components. Select CDP Private Cloud Base components can now be configured to use FIPS compliant cryptography, through the use of FIPS 140-2 validated encryption modules, and with deployment on FIPS mode enabled RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS Operating Systems.

  • Ranger support for having Hive table access policies override HDFS ACLs for the table’s corresponding HDFS files and directories. This brings parity to users of CDH’s Sentry ACLSync feature.

  • Auto Queue Creation is now supported by YARN when Hive impersonation is turned off.

  • Replication support for Atlas metadata and Ranger policies for Hive databases (Tech Preview)

  • Extended audits for Atlas operations. Atlas actions including changes to type definitions, admin-level operations like imports and exports, and Atlas server state changes are now captured by Atlas audit. For more information, see Audit Operations.

  • Ownership for all new tables created are automatically owned by the user creating them in Apache Kudu.

  • Bloom filter column predicate pushdown implementation in Apache Kudu allows for optimized execution of filters which match on a set of column values with a false-positive rate and increases Impala query performance using Bloom filter by 19 to 30% and 41% for distributed joins when tested with TPC-H benchmarks.

  • IGNORE operations are supported in Apache Kudu by a master server feature flag that allows clusters to turn on support for ignore operations. IGNORE operations are supported in Kudu Spark integration as well.

  • Rebased Cloudera Manager to 7.2.4 with the following features:

    • Support for pluggable authentication modules (PAM)

    • Support for non-JKS keystore if needed to meet compliance requirements

    • Support for Postgresql JDBC driver version 42.2.14.jre7

    • Upgrade support for base clusters with attached 7.x compute clusters

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