You can perform the migration when HMS Mirror is installed on the HDP cluster.
You download, install, and configure HMS Mirror software. Configuration consists of
generating and customizing an HMS Mirror config file in YAML format. For example, you
set the path of the hcfsNamespace, which is the HDFS file system path.
Remove any previous installation of HMS Mirror. For example, as root run the
following command. rm -f /usr/local/hms-mirror/lib/*.jar. For
more information, see generated by a dry run of HMS Mirror.>>
On the HDP cluster, from the Ambari configuration in /etc/ambari-server conf,
get the hcfsNamespace.
On the Cloudera cluster, get the path to S3
object storage.
On the Cloudera cluster, get the HiveServer
(HS2) URI from the SaaS interface.
On the Cloudera cluster, get the Java KeyStore
(jks) file name and path to set the sslTrustStore.
On the source HDP cluster, go to
Download the HMS Mirror distribution, and extract the files.
Go to a directory other than the HMS Mirror installation directory.
You should not run HMS Mirror from the directory where you installed the software.
Generate a config file .hms-mirror/cfg/default.yaml using the -setup
hms-mirror -setup
The config file is generated.
Scroll to the cluster information about both LEFT (HDP) and RIGHT (Cloudera) clusters at the bottom of the
Enter Boolean values for legacyHive to identify the source cluster.
For example:
On the LEFT (HDP) cluster, set legacyHive: true
On the RIGHT (Cloudera) cluster, you
set legacyHive: false
On the RIGHT cluster, enter the hostname and port for S3 object storage.
For example: S3a://bucket_name/path
Enter the HiveServer (HS2) server name and port for the jdbc url of the LEFT
source HDP cluster.
For example, jdbc:hive2://<hs2 server name>: 10000
Enter the HiveServer URI of the RIGHT destination Cloudera cluster, including the sslTrustStore
path and trustStorePassword.