Setting up Hive JDBC standalone JARS

You must have the Hive JDBC standalone jar compatible with your HDP version and the latest Hive JDBC standalone jar compatible with Cloudera on the edge node between the HDP and Cloudera cluster.

  1. On the HDP cluster, navigate to /usr/hdp/current/hive-client/lib check that the Apache Hive standalone JAR was installed by HDP on your cluster.
    For example, on HDP 2.6.5 you find a JAR having a name something like hive-jdbc-1.2.1000.

    On HDP 3.1.5, you find a JAR having a name something like hive-jdbc-3.1.0-315.133-2-standalone.jar.

  2. If the JAR is not on the cluster, using the version number of the JAR in /usr/hdp/current/hive-client/lib, search for and download the Apache Hive JDBC driver hive-jdbc from the driver archive.
  3. On the Cloudera cluster, navigate to /opt/cloudera/parcels/<version>/jars/hive-jdbc-3<version>, and check that the Apache Hive standalone JAR is on the cluster.
  4. If the JAR is not on the cluster, download the latest Hive JDBC driver from the Cloudera Downloads page.
  5. Make a note of the path to the JAR to connect the HDP and Cloudera clusters later.