Hive replication
Replication Manager allows you to replicate Hive databases from a source cluster to a target location on a destination cluster. The first time you run a job with data that has not been previously replicated, the Replication Manager creates a new folder or database and bootstraps the data. To replicate Hive metadata, Replication Manager performs a full replication. To replicate the data stored in Hive tables, Replication Manager uses snapshot diff-based replication to perform incremental replication.
During bootstrap operation, all of the data from the source location is copied to the destination. This bootstrapping of data can take hours to days, depending on factors such as the amount of data being copied and available network bandwidth.
After the bootstrap operation succeeds, an incremental replication is automatically performed for data replication using snapshot diff-based replication. The job synchronizes, between the source and destination clusters, any events that occurred during the bootstrap process. After the data is synchronized, the replicated data is ready for use on the destination. Data is in a consistent state only after incremental replication has captured any new changes that occurred during bootstrap.
Subsequent replication jobs from the same source location to the same target on the destination are incremental, so only the changed data is copied.
If a bootstrap operation is interrupted, such as due to a network failure or an unrecoverable error, the Replication Manager automatically retries the job. If a retry succeeds, the replication job continues from the point at which it was interrupted. If the automatic retries are not successful, you must manually correct the issue before running the policy again. When you activate the policy again, the replication job resumes from the point at which it was suspended.
CREATE FUNCTION [db_name.]function_name AS class_name USING JAR|FILE|ARCHIVE 'file_uri' [, JAR|FILE|ARCHIVE 'file_uri'] ;
- ACID tables, external tables, storage handler-based tables (such as HBase), and column statistics are currently not replicated.
- When creating a schedule for a Hive replication policy, you should set the frequency so that changes are replicated often enough to avoid overly large copies.
Snapshot diff-based replication
By default, Replication Manager uses snapshot differences ("diff") to improve performance by comparing HDFS snapshots and only replicating the files that are changed in the source directory.
While Hive metadata requires a full replication, the data stored in Hive tables takes advantage of snapshot diff-based replication. To replicate a database using a Hive replication policy, ensure that all the HDFS paths for the tables in that database are either snapshottable or under a snapshottable root. For example, if the database that is being replicated has external tables, all the external table HDFS data locations should be snapshottable too. Failing to do so can cause the Replication Manager to fail to generate a diff report. Without a diff report, Replication Manager will not use snapshot diff.
An HDFS directory is referred to as snapshottable if an administrator - having superuser privilege or having owner access to the directory - has enabled snapshots for the directory in Cloudera Manager.
You must ensure that the following guidelines are met for efficient incremental replication:
- HDFS snapshots are immutable.
- Snapshot root directory is set to as low in the hierarchy as possible.
- Replication Manager user is a super user or the owner of the snapshottable root. This is because the user specified in the Run-as-username field in the replication policy must have the permission to list the snapshots.
- Paths from both source and destination clusters in the replication policy are under a snapshottable root or are snapshottable for the replication policy to run using snapshot diff.
Replication Manager performs a complete replication when one or more of the following change: Delete Policy, Preserve Policy, Target Path, or Exclusion Path.