Running Queries on Impala Tables
This section demonstrates how to run queries on the tips table created in the previous section using some common Python and R libraries such as Pandas, Impyla, Sparklyr and so on.
All the examples in this section run the same query, but use different libraries to do so.
PySpark (Python)
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.master('yarn').getOrCreate() # load data from .csv file in HDFS # tips ="/user/hive/warehouse/tips/", header=True, inferSchema=True) # OR load data from table in Hive metastore tips = spark.table('tips') from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, mean # query using DataFrame API tips \ .filter(col('sex').like("%Female%")) \ .groupBy('day') \ .agg(mean('tip').alias('avg_tip')) \ .orderBy('avg_tip',ascending=False) \ .show() # query using SQL spark.sql(''' SELECT day,AVG(tip) AS avg_tip \ FROM tips \ WHERE sex LIKE "%Female%" \ GROUP BY day \ ORDER BY avg_tip DESC''').show() spark.stop()
Impyla (Python)
# (Required) Install the impyla package # !pip install impyla # !pip install thrift_sasl import os import pandas from impala.dbapi import connect from impala.util import as_pandas # Connect to Impala using Impyla # Secure clusters will require additional parameters to connect to Impala. # Recommended: Specify IMPALA_HOST as an environment variable in your project settings IMPALA_HOST = os.getenv('IMPALA_HOST', '<impala_daemon_hostname>') conn = connect(host=IMPALA_HOST, port=21050) # Execute using SQL cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT day,AVG(tip) AS avg_tip \ FROM tips \ WHERE sex ILIKE "%Female%" \ GROUP BY day \ ORDER BY avg_tip DESC') # Pretty output using Pandas tables = as_pandas(cursor) tables
Python 3
The specific library versions shown in this example are needed for Impyla to work correctly with Python 3.
# Install Libraries !pip3 install impyla==0.13.8 !pip3 install thrift_sasl==0.2.1 !pip3 install thrift==0.9.3 !pip3 install sasl==0.2.1 # Connect to Impala from impala.dbapi import connect conn = connect(host='host', port=21050, auth_mechanism='GSSAPI', use_ssl=True, kerberos_service_name='impala') # Execute Query sql = "select * from table" cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) results = cursor.fetchall()
Ibis (Python)
# (Required) Install the ibis-framework[impala] package # !pip3 install ibis-framework[impala] import ibis import os ibis.options.interactive = True ibis.options.verbose = True # Connection to Impala # Secure clusters will require additional parameters to connect to Impala. # Recommended: Specify IMPALA_HOST as an environment variable in your project settings IMPALA_HOST = os.getenv('IMPALA_HOST', '<impala_daemon_hostname>') con = ibis.impala.connect(host=IMPALA_HOST, port=21050, database='default') con.list_tables() tips = con.table('tips') tips \ .filter(['%Female%'])) \ .group_by('day') \ .aggregate( \ avg_tip=tips.tip.mean() \ ) \ .sort_by(ibis.desc('avg_tip')) \ .execute()
Sparklyr (R)
# (Required) Install the sparklyr package # install.packages("sparklyr") library(stringr) library(sparklyr) library(dplyr) spark <- spark_connect(master = "yarn") # load data from file in HDFS tips <- spark_read_csv( sc = spark, name = "tips", path = "/user/hive/warehouse/tips/" ) # OR load data from table tips <- tbl(spark, "tips") # query using dplyr tips %>% filter(sex %like% "%Female%") %>% group_by(day) %>% summarise( avg_tip = mean(tip, na.rm = TRUE) ) %>% arrange(desc(avg_tip)) # query using SQL tbl(spark, sql(" SELECT day,AVG(tip) AS avg_tip \ FROM tips \ WHERE sex LIKE '%Female%' \ GROUP BY day \ ORDER BY avg_tip DESC")) spark_disconnect(spark)