Load Data into HBase Table
This section demonstrates how to use the HappyBase
Python library to
access data from HBase.
package. -
Log into Cloudera Data Science Workbench and launch a Python 3 session within a
new/existing project.
For this example, we will be using the following sample CSV file.
Create the following
file in your project.employees.csv1,Lucy,Engineering 2,Milton,Engineering 3,Edith,Support
In the workbench, click Terminal access. Perform the
following steps in the Terminal:
Start the HBase shell and create a new blank table called
.hbase shell create 'employees', 'name', 'department' exit
into HDFS.hdfs dfs -put employees.csv /tmp
Use ImportTsv to load data from HDFS
) into the HBase table created in the previous step.hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.ImportTsv -Dimporttsv.separator=',' -Dimporttsv.columns=HBASE_ROW_KEY,name,department employees /tmp/employees.csv
Go back to the HBase shell and run the following command to make sure data
was loaded into the HBase table.
hbase shell scan 'employees'
Start the HBase shell and create a new blank table called