Managing Resource Profiles

Resource profiles define how many vCPUs and how much memory Cloudera Data Science Workbench will reserve for a particular workload (for example, session, job, model).

As a site administrator you can create several different vCPU, GPU, and memory configurations which will be available when launching a session/job. When launching a new session, users will be able to select one of the available resource profiles depending on their project's requirements.

Resource profiles available when launching a session

  1. To create resource profiles, go to the Admin > Runtime/Engines page.
  2. Add a new profile under Resource.
    Cloudera recommends that all profiles include at least 2 GB of RAM to avoid out of memory errors for common user operations.
    You will see the option to add GPUs to the resource profiles only if your Cloudera Data Science Workbench hosts are equipped with GPUs, and you have enabled them for use by setting the relevant properties in cdsw.conf.