Enabling browsing Ozone from Hue on CDW Private Cloud

Hue can read and write files on the Ozone filesystem, similar to S3 or ADLS. To access Ozone from Hue, you must add the necessary configurations in the hue-safety-valve within the Virtual Warehouse configurations.

You must perform this task on all Hive or Impala Virtual Warehouses in which you want to enable the Ozone File Browser.
  • You must have an Ozone parcel containing the HttpFS service. For installation, see Ozone 718.2.x installation documentation.
  • Ensure that the Ozone HttpFS Gateway role is running in a healthy state.
  • Go to Cloudera Manager > Ozone > Configuration and add the following entries in the HttpFS Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for httpfs-site.xml field:
    Field name Value
    Name httpfs.proxyuser.[***PRINCIPAL-NAME***].hosts
    Value *
    Name httpfs.proxyuser.[***PRINCIPAL-NAME***].groups
    Value *

    Replace the [***PRINCIPAL-NAME***] with the actual Kerberos principal name. For example, hive. You can obtain the Kerberos principal name from the Hive service configuration.

  • Obtain the following values from the Ozone service. You need it to construct the fs_defaultfs and webhdfs_url URLs:
    • HttpFS Gateway host name
    • Ozone HttpFS Gateway TTP Web UI Port (ozone.httpfs.http-port)

      9778 is the default.

    • Ozone Service ID (ozone.service.id). The Ozone service ID must be specified when Ozone is configured in HA mode.
  1. Log in to the Data Warehouse service as DWAdmin.
  2. Go to Virtual Warehouse > > Edit > CONFIGURATIONS > Hue and select hue-safety-valve from the Configuration files drop-down menu.
  3. Add the following lines:
    fs_defaultfs=ofs://[***SERVICE-ID***] \\ozone1 by default
    webhdfs_url=http://[***OZONE-HTTPFS-HOST***]:[***OZONE-HTTPFS-PORT***]/webhdfs/v1 \\https for secure cluster
    Specify https in the webhdfs_url property if SSL is enabled on your cluster.
    If Ozone is not configured in HA mode, then specify the URL for the Ozone manager in the fs_defaultfs property.
  4. Click Apply Changes.
After configuring the Hue safety valve and restarting the Virtual Wrerhouse, you may see that Ozone file browser may take 10 - 15 minutes to display on the Hue web interface.