Using Apache IcebergPDF version

Materialized view rebuild feature

Updates to materialized view contents when new data is added to the underlying table are critical; otherwise, queries can return stale data.

An update can occur under the following conditions:
  • As a row-level incremental rebuild of the view after inserting data into a table

    Source tables can be Iceberg V2 or Hive full ACID.

  • As a full rebuild of the view
A full rebuild can be expensive. An incremental rebuild updates only the affected parts of the materialized view, decreasing rebuild step execution time.

An incremental rebuild occurs automatically when you insert (append) data into a source table; otherwise, after you make some other type of change, for example a delete, you must manually start a full rebuild.

You use the ALTER command to manually start a full rebuild of the materialized view from Hive as follows:


In this example, first you set required properties. Next, you create Iceberg tables, a V1 table and a V2 table, from Hive. You insert data into the tables and create a materialized view of the joined tables. You insert some new values into one of the source tables, rendering the materialized view stale. Finally, you rebuild the materialized view using explain cbo to show the rebuild plan The rebuild plan indicates a full rebuild will occur, which means the definition query will be executed.

drop table if exists tbl_ice;
drop table if exists tbl_ice_v2;

create external table tbl_ice(a int, b string, c int) stored by iceberg stored as orc tblproperties ('format-version'='1');
create external table tbl_ice_v2(d int, e string, f int) stored by iceberg stored as orc tblproperties ('format-version'='2');

insert into tbl_ice_v2 values (1, 'one v2', 50), (4, 'four v2', 53), (5, 'five v2', 54);

create materialized view mat1 as
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice 
join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;
group by tbl_ice.b tbl_ice.c;

-- view should be empty
select * from mat1;

-- view is up-to-date, use it
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;

-- insert some new values to one of the source tables
insert into tbl_ice values (1, 'one', 50), (2, 'two', 51), (3, 'three', 52), (4, 'four', 53), (5, 'five', 54);

-- view is outdated, cannot be used
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;

explain cbo
alter materialized view mat1 rebuild;

-- view should contain data
select * from mat1;

-- view is up-to-date again, use it
explain cbo
select tbl_ice.b, tbl_ice.c, tbl_ice_v2.e from tbl_ice join tbl_ice_v2 on tbl_ice.a=tbl_ice_v2.d where tbl_ice.c > 52;
group by tbl_ice.b tbl_ice.c;

In this example, you create an Iceberg table, insert some values, and create the materialized view. The view is partitioned using a partition specification and stored in the Iceberg ORC format. The v1 format version is specified in this example (the v2 format is also supported). You then look at a description of the view and see that the query rewrite option is enabled by default. An automatic incremental rebuild is possible when this option is enabled.

   drop table if exists tbl_ice;
   create external table tbl_ice(a int, b string, c int) stored by iceberg stored as orc tblproperties ('format-version'='1');
   -- insert some new values into one of the source tables
   insert into tbl_ice values (1, 'one', 50), (2, 'two', 51), (3, 'three', 52), (4, 'four', 53), (5, 'five', 54);
   create materialized view mat1 partitioned on spec (bucket(16, b), truncate(3, c)) stored by Iceberg stored as orc tblproperties(‘format-version’=’1’)as
   select tbl_ice.b, tbl)ice.c from tbl_ice where tbl_ice.c > 52;
   -- the output query plan query indicates a rewrite is enabled
   POSTHOOK: query: explain
   create materialized view mat1 …
-- In stage one, the materialized view is created by calling the Iceberg API to create the table object.
rewrite enabled

You use the DESCRIBE command to see the output query plan, which shows details about the view, including if it can be used in automatic query rewrites.

-- check the materialized view details
    describe formatted mat1;
    #col_name     data_type      comment
    b             string
    c             int
    #Partition Transform Information
    #col_name     transform_type
    b             bucket(16)
    c             TRUNCATE[3]
    #detailed table information
    Table_type:    MATERIALIZED_VIEW
    Table Parameters:
    current-snapshot-id   563939E424367334713
    metadata_location     …
    Table_type            Iceberg
    #Materialized View Information
    Original Query:  …
    Expanded Query:  …
    Rewrite Enabled: Yes   

With the query rewrite option enabled, you insert data into the source table, and incremental rebuild occurs automatically. You do not need to rebuild the view manually before running queries.