Using Apache Iceberg
Apache Iceberg features
Alter table feature
Create table feature
Create table as select feature
Create partitioned table as select feature
Create table … like feature
Delete data feature
Describe table metadata feature
Drop partition feature
Drop table feature
Expire snapshots feature
Insert table data feature
Load data inpath feature
Load or replace partition data feature
Materialized view feature
Materialized view rebuild feature
Merge feature
Migrate Hive table to Iceberg feature
Changing the table metadata location
Flexible partitioning
Partition evolution feature
Partition transform feature
Query metadata tables feature
Rollback table feature
Select Iceberg data feature
Schema evolution feature
Schema inference feature
Snapshot management
Time travel feature
Truncate table feature
Update data feature
Best practices for Iceberg in CDP
Making row-level changes on V2 tables only
Performance tuning
Caching manifest files
Unsupported features and limitations
Accessing Iceberg tables
Editing a storage handler policy to access Iceberg files on the file system
Creating a SQL policy to query an Iceberg table
Accessing Iceberg files in Ozone
Creating an Iceberg partitioned table
Expiring snapshots
Inserting data into a table
Table migration overview
Migrating a Hive table to Iceberg
Selecting an Iceberg table
Running time travel queries
Updating an Iceberg partition
Test driving Iceberg from Impala
Test driving Iceberg from Hive
Hive demo data
Iceberg data types
Iceberg table properties