Hive changelog for CDW Public Cloud

Review the changes introduced in Hive for Cloudera Data Warehouse Public Cloud.

2024.0.18.1-1 (August 15, 2024)

No new features or fixes.

2024.0.18.0-206 (July 26, 2024)

  • DWX-18331: HIVE-28121: Use direct SQL for transactional altering table parameter
  • CDPD-64754: HIVE-28202: Incorrect projected column size after ORC upgrade to v1.6.7
  • DWX-17033: Fixed NPE for UA non BinaryPredicate join condition.
  • CDPD-69885: HIVE-28253: Unable to set the value for hplsql.onerror in hplsql mode.
  • CDPD-69724: HIVE-28247: Execute immediate `select count(*) from tbl` throwing ClassCastException in hplsql mode.
  • CDPD-69648: HIVE-28215: Signalling CONDITION HANDLER is not working in HPLSQL.
  • CDPD-69647: HIVE-28214: HPLSQL not using the hive variables passed through beeline using --hivevar option
  • CDPD-69170:HIVE-28188:Upgrade Postgres to 42.7.3 to target CVE-2024-1597
  • CDPD-7721: HIVE-22489: Reduce Sink operator should order nulls by parameter
  • CDPD-68719: upgrade stack version to
  • DWX-17905: HIVE-28165: HiveSplitGenerator: send splits through filesystem instead of RPC in case of big payload
  • DWX-17905: HIVE-24415: HiveSplitGenerator blocks Tez dispatcher
  • DWX-17957: HIVE-28167: Full table deletion fails when converting to truncate for Iceberg and ACID tables
  • HIVE-27751 Log Query Compilation summary in an accumulated way
  • DWX-17928: HIVE-27585: Upgrade kryo serialization lib to latest version (#4570).
  • CDPD-67940: HIVE-28111: FSCountersSummary is only printed when LLAP IO is enabled
  • CDPD-67793: HIVE-26955: Select query fails when decimal column data type is changed to string/char/varchar in Parquet
  • CDPD-65291 :Drop database query failing with Invalid ACL Exception
  • CDPD-67350: HIVE-27775: DirectSQL and JDO results are different when fetching partitions by timestamp in DST shift
  • CDPD-66862: Upgrade mysql-connector-java in Hive packaging Docker File
  • CDPD-65448: HIVE-28006: Materialized view with aggregate function incorrectly shows it allows incremental rebuild
  • DWX-17487: HIVE-28051: LLAP: cleanup local folders on startup and periodically
  • CDPD-67328: HIVE-28076: Selecting data from a bucketed table with decimal column type throwing NPE.
  • CDPD-66902: HIVE-27406: Addendum: Query runtime optimization
  • CDPD-61128: HIVE-27490: HPL/SQL says it support default value for parameters but not considering them when no value is passed
  • CDPD-62437: HIVE-27692: Explore removing the maintenance task from the embedded Metastore
  • CDPD-66930: Recompute scan ranges and stats in ImpalaHdfsScanNode
  • CDPD-67205: HIVE-28083: Enable HMS client/query cache for EXPLAIN queries
  • CDPD-64442: HIVE-27924: Incremental rebuild goes wrong when inserts and deletes overlap between the source tables
  • CDPD-66644: HIVE-28050: Disable Incremental non aggregated materialized view rebuild in presence of delete operations
  • CDPD-57121: HIVE-24411: Make ThreadPoolExecutorWithOomHook more awareness of OutOfMemoryError
  • CDPD-67063: HIVE-28078: TestTxnDbUtil should generate csv files when we query the metastore database
  • DWX-17615: HIVE-28093: Re-execute DAG in case of NoCurrentDAGException
  • CDPD-61611: HIVE-27778: Alter table command gives error after computer stats is run with Impala
  • CDPD-66267: HIVE-26882: Allow transactional check of Table parameter before altering the Table
  • DWX-17274: TestInputFormatReaderDeletes fix
  • CDPD-66632: CDPD-50060: HIVE-27114: Include all properties by default
  • DWX-16861: CVE fixes for Apache hive JDBC driver
  • DWX-17435: Facing dependency issues while using hive JDBC jar with JDBC client other than beeline
  • CDPD-66644: HIVE-28050: Disable Incremental non aggregated materialized view rebuild in presence of delete operations
  • CDPD-61250: Remove jwtprovider-knox
  • CDPD-8806: HIVE-22961: Drop function in Hive should not send request for drop database to Ranger plugin
  • CDPD-66527: HIVE-28054: SemanticException for join condition in subquery
  • CDPD-63420: HIVE-25183: Inner Join condition parsing error in subquery
  • CDPD-66089: HIVE-28000: Hive QL : "not in" clause gives incorrect results when type coercion cannot take place.
  • CDPD-66090: HIVE-27161: MetaException when executing CTAS query in Druid storage handler
  • DWX-17186 : HIVE-27938: Iceberg: Fix java.lang.ClassCastException during vectorized reads on partition columns
  • CDPD-66084: HIVE-27948: Wrong results when using materialized views with non-deterministic/dynamic functions
  • CDPD-63299:HIVE-27889: Bump org.apache.santuario:xmlsec from 2.3.0 to 2.3.4
  • CDPD-65291 : HIVE-27911 : Drop database query failing with Invalid ACL Exception
  • CDPD-65019: HIVE-28009: Shared work optimizer ignores schema merge setting in case of virtual column difference )
  • CDPD-61127: HIVE-27489: HPL/SQL does not support table aliases on column names in loops
  • CDPD-65805 HIVE-27993 : Netty4 ShuffleHandler: should use one boss thread