
NifiConfigurationSpec contains user provided values which override the default configuration values that are shipped with NiFi.

nifiProperties ConfigOperation (Optional)

nifiProperties holds configuration file overrides for the configuration file. If set, this content will override the default configuration file.

bootstrapConf ConfigOperation (Optional)

bootstrapConf holds configuration file overrides for the bootstrap.conf configuration file. If set, this content will override the default bootstrap.conf configuration file.

authorizers string (Optional)

authorizers holds configuration file overrides for the authorizers.xml configuration file. If set, this content will override the default authorizers.xml configuration file.

logback LogbackOverrideSpec (Optional)

logback holds configuration file overrides for logback.xml configuration file. It can either specify the content of the logback.xml as string, or a list of LogbackSpec.

loginIdentityProviders string (Optional)

loginIdentityProviders holds configuration file overrides for the login-identity-providers.xml configuration file. If set, this content will override the default login-identity-providers.xml file.

authorizersRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

authorizersObjectReferences holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the authorizers.xml file.

bootstrapConfRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

bootstrapConfRef holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the bootstrap.conf configuration file.

nifiPropertiesRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

nifiPropertiesRef holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the configuration file.

logbackRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

logbackRef holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the logback.xml configuration file.

loginIdentityProvidersRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

loginIdentityProvidersRef holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the login-identity-providers.xml configuration file.

stateManagementRef Kubernetes core/v1.ObjectReference (Optional)

stateManagementRef holds details about a custom configmap or a secret for the state-management.xml configuration file.