Uninstalling Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator

You can uninstall Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator using Helm or the cfmctl CLI tool.

By default, the uninstall command does not remove data containing resources. If you want to delete data containing resources, use the --delete flag with no arguments, whichdeletes NiFi and NiFi Registry instances in addition to uninstalling the operator and CRDs. Use the --force flag if the environment is unresponsive, and neither installation nor uninstallation is possible.

To uninstall Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator, run the following command:

cfmctl uninstall --namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***]

Replace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the namespace where you installed the operator.

helm uninstall cfm-operator --namespace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***]

Replace [***OPERATOR NAMESPACE***] with the namespace where you installed Cloudera Flow Management - Kubernetes Operator.