Bootstrap and Properties File Enhancements

Both Bootstrap and Properties files can be enhanced using their respective safety valves (which are used to generate those respective files). The key and value can be entered using property editor or as hadoop property styled XML.

Below is an example of Safety Valve enhancements for (which decreases default flow election wait time)

When entering safety valves be aware that if a property shares the same name as one already defined in CM it will override that value.

The NiFi Section for default values that can be overridden using safety valves. These can be pasted in as needed using the View as XML link for safety valve. See NiFi Documentation for available property values and usages

The NiFi Registry section for default values that can be overridden using safety valves. These can be pasted in as needed using the View as XML link for safety valve. See NiFi Registry Documentation for available property values