
This service creates record readers for ASN.1 input.

ASN.1 schema files (with full path) can be defined via the ASN.1 Files property as a comma separated list. The controller service preprocesses these files and generates sources that it uses for parsing data later.
Note that this preprocessing may take a while, especially when the schema files are large. The service remains in the Enabling state until this preprocessing is finished. Processors using the service are ready to be started at this point but probably won't work properly until the service is fully Enabled.
Also note that the preprocessing phase can fail if there are problems with the ASN.1 schema files. The bulletin - as per usual - will show error messages related to the failure but interpreting those messages may not be straightforward. For help troubleshooting such messages please refer to the Troubleshooting section below.

The root model type can be defined via the Root Model Name property. It's format should be "MODULE-NAME.ModelType". "MODULE-NAME" is the name of the ASN module defined at the beginnig of the ASN schema file. "ModelType" is an ASN type defined in the ASN files that is not referenced by any other type. The reader created by this service expects ASN records of this root model type.

More than one root model types can be defined in the ASN schema files but one service instance can only work with one such type at a time. Multiple different ASN data types can be processed by creating multiple instances of this service.

The ASN schema files are ultimately compiled into Java classes in a temporary directory when the service is enabled. (The directory is deleted when the service is disabled. Of course the ASN schema files remain.) The service actually needs the fully qualified name of the class compiled from the root model type. It usually guesses the name of this class correctly from Root Model Name.
However there may be situations where this is not the case. Should this happen, one can take use of the fact that NiFi logs the temporary directory where the compiled Java classes can be found. Once the proper class of the root model type is identified in that directory (should be easily done by looking for it by it's name) it can be provided directly via the Root Model Class Name property. (Note however that the service should be left Enabled while doing the search as it deletes the temporary directory when it is disabled. To be able to set the property the service needs to be disabled in the end - and let it remove the directory, however this shouldn't be an issue as the name of the root model class will be the same in the new temporary directory.)


The preprocessing is done in two phases:

  1. The first phase reads the ASN.1 schema files and parses them. Formatting errors are usually reported during this phase. Here are some possible error messages and the potential root causes of the issues:
  2. The second phase compiles the ASN.1 schema files into Java classes. Even if the ASN.1 files meet the formal requirements, due to the nature of the created Java files there are some extra limitations:

Additional Preprocessing

NiFi doesn't support every feature that the ASN standard allows. To alleviate problems when encountering ASN files with unsupported features, NiFi can do additional preprocessing steps that creates modified versions of the provided ASN files, removing unsupported features in a way that makes them less strict but otherwise should still be compatible with incoming data. This feature can be switched on via the 'Do Additional Preprocessing' property. The original files will remain intact and new ones will be created with the same names in a directory set in the 'Additional Preprocessing Output Directory' property. Please note that this is a best-effort attempt. It is also strongly recommended to compare the resulting ASN files to the originals and make sure they are still appropriate.

The following modification are applied:

  1. Constraints - Advanced constraints are not recognized as valid ASN elements by NiFi. This step will try to remove all types of constraints.
    field   [3] INTEGER(SIZE(1..8,...,10|12|20)) OPTIONAL
    will be changed to
    field   [3] INTEGER  OPTIONAL
  2. Version brackets - NiFi will try to remove all version brackets and leave all defined fields as OPTIONAL.
    MyType ::= SEQUENCE {
    	integerField1		INTEGER,
    	integerField2		INTEGER,
    	...,	-- comment1
    [[ -- comment2
    	integerField3		INTEGER,
    	integerField4		INTEGER,
    	integerField5		INTEGER ]]
    will be changed to
    MyType ::= SEQUENCE {
    	integerField1		INTEGER,
    	integerField2		INTEGER,
    	...,	-- comment1
     -- comment2
    	integerField3		INTEGER OPTIONAL,
    	integerField4		INTEGER OPTIONAL,
    	integerField5		INTEGER OPTIONAL
  3. "Hugging" comments - This is not really an ASN feature but a potential error. The double dash comment indicator "--" should be separated from ASN elements.
    field   [0] INTEGER(1..8)--comment
    will be changed to
    field   [0] INTEGER(1..8) --comment