
Deprecation notice:

Apache Ignite 1 is no longer supported

Please consider using one the following alternatives: No alternative components suggested.


Stream the contents of a FlowFile to Ignite Cache using DataStreamer. The processor uses the value of FlowFile attribute (Ignite cache entry key) as the cache key and the byte array of the FlowFile as the value of the cache entry value. Both the string key and a non-empty byte array value are required otherwise the FlowFile is transferred to the failure relation. Note - The Ignite Kernel periodically outputs node performance statistics to the logs. This message can be turned off by setting the log level for logger 'org.apache.ignite' to WARN in the logback.xml configuration file.


Ignite, insert, update, stream, write, put, cache, key


In the list below, the names of required properties appear in bold. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the NiFi Expression Language.

Display NameAPI NameDefault ValueAllowable ValuesDescription
Ignite Spring Properties Xml Fileignite-spring-properties-xml-fileIgnite spring configuration file, <path>/<ignite-configuration>.xml. If the configuration file is not provided, default Ignite configuration configuration is used which binds to
Ignite Cache Nameignite-cache-nameThe name of the ignite cache
Batch Size For Entriesbatch-size-for-entries250Batch size for entries (1-500).
Ignite Cache Entry Identifierignite-cache-entry-identifierA FlowFile attribute, or attribute expression used for determining Ignite cache key for the Flow File content
Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using flow file attributes and variable registry)
Data Streamer Per Node Parallel Operationsdata-streamer-per-node-parallel-operations5Data streamer per node parallelism
Data Streamer Per Node Buffer Sizedata-streamer-per-node-buffer-size250Data streamer per node buffer size (1-500).
Data Streamer Auto Flush Frequency in millisdata-streamer-auto-flush-frequency-in-millis10Data streamer flush interval in millis seconds
Data Streamer Allow Overridedata-streamer-allow-overridefalse
  • true
  • false
Whether to override values already in the cache


successAll FlowFiles that are written to Ignite cache are routed to this relationship
failureAll FlowFiles that cannot be written to Ignite cache are routed to this relationship

Reads Attributes:

None specified.

Writes Attributes:

ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.total.countThe total number of FlowFile in the batch
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.item.numberThe item number of FlowFile in the batch
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.successful.numberThe successful FlowFile item number
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.successful.countThe number of successful FlowFiles
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.failed.numberThe failed FlowFile item number
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.failed.countThe total number of failed FlowFiles in the batch
ignite.cache.batch.flow.file.failed.reasonThe failed reason attribute key

State management:

This component does not store state.


This component is not restricted.

Input requirement:

This component requires an incoming relationship.

System Resource Considerations:

MEMORYAn instance of this component can cause high usage of this system resource. Multiple instances or high concurrency settings may result a degradation of performance.

See Also:
