Usage Information
The Validate CSV processor is based on the super-csv library and the concept of
Cell Processors.
The corresponding java documentation can be found
The cell processors cannot be nested (except with Optional which gives the possibility to define a CellProcessor for values
that could be null) and must be defined in a comma-delimited string as the Schema property.
The supported cell processors are:
- ParseBigDecimal
- ParseBool
- ParseChar
- ParseDate
- ParseDouble
- ParseInt
- Optional
- DMinMax
- Equals
- ForbidSubStr
- LMinMax
- NotNull
- Null
- RequireHashCode
- RequireSubStr
- Strlen
- StrMinMax
- StrNotNullOrEmpty
- StrRegEx
- Unique
- UniqueHashCode
- IsIncludedIn
Here are some examples:
Schema property: Null, ParseDate("dd/MM/yyyy"), Optional(ParseDouble())
Meaning: the input CSV has three columns, the first one can be null and has no specification, the second one must be a date
formatted as expected, and the third one must a double or null (no value).
Schema property: ParseBigDecimal(), ParseBool(), ParseChar(), ParseInt(), ParseLong()
Meaning: the input CSV has five columns, the first one must be a big decimal, the second one must be a boolean,
the third one must be a char, the fourth one must be an integer and the fifth one must be a long.
Schema property: Equals(), NotNull(), StrNotNullOrEmpty()
Meaning: the input CSV has three columns, all the values of the first column must be equal to each other, all the values
of the second column must be not null, and all the values of the third column are not null/empty string values.
Schema property: Strlen(4), StrMinMax(3,5), StrRegex("[a-z0-9\\._]+@[a-z0-9\\.]+")
Meaning: the input CSV has three columns, all the values of the first column must be 4-characters long, all the values
of the second column must be between 3 and 5 characters (inclusive), and all the values of the last column must match
the provided regular expression (email address).
Schema property: Unique(), UniqueHashCode()
Meaning: the input CSV has two columns. All the values of the first column must be unique (all the values are stored in
memory and this can be consuming depending of the input). All the values of the second column must be unique (only hash
codes of the input values are stored to ensure uniqueness).
Schema property: ForbidSubStr("test", "tset"), RequireSubStr("test")
Meaning: the input CSV has two columns. None of the values in the first column must contain one of the provided strings.
And all the values of the second column must contain the provided string.