Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures in CFM 2.1.7

Review the list of fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) in Cloudera Flow Management (CFM).


Unbounded memory allocation in Google Guava 11.0 through 24.x before 24.1.1 allows remote attackers to conduct denial of service attacks against servers that depend on this library and deserialize attacker-provided data, because the AtomicDoubleArray class (when serialized with Java serialization) and the CompoundOrdering class (when serialized with GWT serialization) perform eager allocation without appropriate checks on what a client has sent and whether the data size is reasonable.


A flaw was found in org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.9.x libraries. XML external entity vulnerabilities similar to CVE-2016-3720 also affects codehaus jackson-mapper-asl libraries but in different classes.


A flaw was found in FasterXML Jackson Databind, where it did not have entity expansion secured properly. This flaw allows vulnerability to XML external entity (XXE) attacks. The highest threat from this vulnerability is data integrity.


In verifyHostName of, there is a possible way to accept a certificate for the wrong domain due to improperly used crypto. This could lead to remote information disclosure with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is not needed for exploitation.Product: AndroidVersions: Android-8.1 Android-9 Android-10 Android-11 Android ID: A-171980069

CVE-2022-25647: Deserialization of Untrusted Data

The package before 2.8.9 are vulnerable to Deserialization of Untrusted Data using the writeReplace() method in internal classes, which may lead to DoS attacks.

CVE-2022-31159: Partial Path Traversal in com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3

The AWS SDK for Java enables Java developers to work with Amazon Web Services. A partial-path traversal issue exists within the `downloadDirectory` method in the AWS S3 TransferManager component of the AWS SDK for Java v1 prior to version 1.12.261. Applications using the SDK control the `destinationDirectory` argument, but S3 object keys are determined by the application that uploaded the objects. The `downloadDirectory` method allows the caller to pass a filesystem object in the object key but contains an issue in the validation logic for the key name. A knowledgeable actor could bypass the validation logic by including a UNIX double-dot in the bucket key. Under certain conditions, this could permit them to retrieve a directory from their S3 bucket that is one level up in the filesystem from their working directory. This issue’s scope is limited to directories whose name prefix matches the destinationDirectory. E.g. for destination directory`/tmp/foo`, the actor can cause a download to `/tmp/foo-bar`, but not `/tmp/bar`. If `` is used to download an untrusted bucket's contents. The contents of that bucket can be written outside of the intended destination directory. Version 1.12.261 contains a patch for this issue. As a workaround, when calling ``, pass a `KeyFilter` that forbids `S3ObjectSummary` objects that `getKey` method return a string containing the substring `..` .

CVE-2023-0833: Red hat a-mq streams: component version with information disclosure flaw

A flaw was found in Red Hat's AMQ-Streams, which ships a version of the OKHttp component with an information disclosure flaw via an exception triggered by a header containing an illegal value. This issue could allow an authenticated attacker to access information outside of their regular permissions.

CVE-2023-34055: Spring Boot server Web Observations DoS Vulnerability

In Spring Boot versions 2.7.0 - 2.7.17, 3.0.0-3.0.12 and 3.1.0-3.1.5, it is possible for a user to provide specially crafted HTTP requests that may cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition. Specifically, an application is vulnerable when all of the following are true: * the application uses Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux * org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-actuator is on the classpath.

CVE-2023-34462: netty-handler SniHandler 16MB allocation

Netty is an asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. The `SniHandler` can allocate up to 16MB of heap for each channel during the TLS handshake. When the handler or the channel does not have an idle timeout, it can be used to make a TCP server using the `SniHandler` to allocate 16MB of heap. The `SniHandler` class is a handler that waits for the TLS handshake to configure a `SslHandler` according to the indicated server name by the `ClientHello` record. For this matter it allocates a `ByteBuf` using the value defined in the `ClientHello` record. Normally the value of the packet should be smaller than the handshake packet but there are no checks done here and the way the code is written, it is possible to craft a packet that makes the `SslClientHelloHandler`. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 4.1.94.Final.


jackson-databind through 2.15.2 allows attackers to cause a denial of service or other unspecified impact via a crafted object that uses cyclic dependencies. NOTE: the vendor's perspective is that this is not a valid vulnerability report, because the steps of constructing a cyclic data structure and trying to serialize it cannot be achieved by an external attacker.

CVE-2023-35887: Apache MINA SSHD: Information disclosure bugs with RootedFilesystem

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Software Foundation Apache MINA. In SFTP servers implemented using Apache MINA SSHD that use a RootedFileSystem, logged users may be able to discover "exists/does not exist" information about items outside the rooted tree via paths including parent navigation ("..") beyond the root, or involving symlinks. This issue affects Apache MINA: from 1.0 before 2.10. Users are recommended to upgrade to 2.10

CVE-2023-36414: Azure Identity SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Azure Identity SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability


quartz-jobs 2.3.2 and below was discovered to contain a code injection vulnerability in the component This vulnerability is exploited via passing an unchecked argument. NOTE: this is disputed by multiple parties because it is not plausible that untrusted user input would reach the code location where injection must occur.

CVE-2023-39196: Apache Ozone: Missing mutual TLS authentication in one of the service internal Ozone Storage Container Manager endpoints

Improper Authentication vulnerability in Apache Ozone. The vulnerability allows an attacker to download metadata internal to the Storage Container Manager service without proper authentication. The attacker is not allowed to do any modification within the Ozone Storage Container Manager service using this vulnerability. The accessible metadata does not contain sensitive information that can be used to exploit the system later on, and the accessible data does not make it possible to gain access to actual user data within Ozone. This issue affects Apache Ozone: 1.2.0 and subsequent releases up until 1.3.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.4.0, which fixes the issue.

CVE-2023-39410: Apache Avro Java SDK: Memory when deserializing untrusted data in Avro Java SDK

When deserializing untrusted or corrupted data, it is possible for a reader to consume memory beyond the allowed constraints and thus lead to out of memory on the system. This issue affects Java applications using Apache Avro Java SDK up to and including 1.11.2. Users should update to apache-avro version 1.11.3 which addresses this issue.


The HTTP/2 protocol allows a denial of service (server resource consumption) because request cancellation can reset many streams quickly, as exploited in the wild in August through October 2023.

CVE-2023-49145: Apache NiFi: Improper Neutralization of Input in Advanced User Interface for Jolt

Apache NiFi 0.7.0 through 1.23.2 include the JoltTransformJSON Processor, which provides an advanced configuration user interface that is vulnerable to DOM-based cross-site scripting. If an authenticated user, who is authorized to configure a JoltTransformJSON Processor, visits a crafted URL, then arbitrary JavaScript code can be executed within the session context of the authenticated user. Upgrading to Apache NiFi 1.24.0 or 2.0.0-M1 is the recommended mitigation.

CVE-2023-50291: Apache Solr: System Property redaction logic inconsistency can lead to leaked passwords

Insufficiently Protected Credentials vulnerability in Apache Solr. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. One of the two endpoints that publishes the Solr process' Java system properties, /admin/info/properties, was only setup to hide system properties that had "password" contained in the name. There are a number of sensitive system properties, such as "basicauth" and "aws.secretKey" do not contain "password", thus their values were published via the "/admin/info/properties" endpoint. This endpoint populates the list of System Properties on the home screen of the Solr Admin page, making the exposed credentials visible in the UI. This /admin/info/properties endpoint is protected under the "config-read" permission. Therefore, Solr Clouds with Authorization enabled will only be vulnerable through logged-in users that have the "config-read" permission. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0 or 8.11.3, which fixes the issue. A single option now controls hiding Java system property for all endpoints, "-Dsolr.hiddenSysProps". By default all known sensitive properties are hidden (including "-Dbasicauth"), as well as any property with a name containing "secret" or "password". Users who cannot upgrade can also use the following Java system property to fix the issue: '-Dsolr.redaction.system.pattern=.*(password|secret|basicauth).*'

CVE-2023-50292: Apache Solr: Solr Schema Designer blindly "trusts" all configsets, possibly leading to RCE by unauthenticated users

Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource, Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources vulnerability in Apache Solr. This issue affects Apache Solr: from 8.10.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.3.0. The Schema Designer was introduced to allow users to more easily configure and test new Schemas and configSets. However, when the feature was created, the "trust" (authentication) of these configSets was not considered. External library loading is only available to configSets that are "trusted" (created by authenticated users), thus non-authenticated users are unable to perform Remote Code Execution. Since the Schema Designer loaded configSets without taking their "trust" into account, configSets that were created by unauthenticated users were allowed to load external libraries when used in the Schema Designer. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 9.3.0, which fixes the issue.

CVE-2023-50298: Apache Solr: Solr can expose ZooKeeper credentials via Streaming Expressions

Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1. Solr Streaming Expressions allows users to extract data from other Solr Clouds, using a "zkHost" parameter. When the original SolrCloud is set up to use ZooKeeper credentials and ACLs, they will be sent to whatever "zkHost" the user provides. An attacker could setup a server to mock ZooKeeper, that accepts ZooKeeper requests with credentials and ACLs and extracts the sensitive information, then sends a streaming expression using the mock server's address in "zkHost". Streaming Expressions are exposed via the "/streaming" handler, with "read" permissions. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.11.3 or 9.4.1, which fix the issue. From these versions on, only zkHost values that have the same server address (regardless of chroot), will use the given ZooKeeper credentials and ACLs when connecting.

CVE-2023-50386: Apache Solr: Backup/Restore APIs allow for deployment of executables in malicious ConfigSets

Improper Control of Dynamically-Managed Code Resources, Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type, Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere vulnerability in Apache Solr.This issue affects Apache Solr: from 6.0.0 through 8.11.2, from 9.0.0 before 9.4.1. In the affected versions, Solr ConfigSets accepted Java jar and class files to be uploaded through the ConfigSets API. When backing up Solr Collections, these configSet files would be saved to disk when using the LocalFileSystemRepository (the default for backups). If the backup was saved to a directory that Solr uses in its ClassPath/ClassLoaders, then the jar and class files would be available to use with any ConfigSet, trusted or untrusted. When Solr is run in a secure way (Authorization enabled), as is strongly suggested, this vulnerability is limited to extending the Backup permissions with the ability to add libraries. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 8.11.3 or 9.4.1, which fix the issue. In these versions, the following protections have been added: * Users are no longer able to upload files to a configSet that could be executed via a Java ClassLoader. * The Backup API restricts saving backups to directories that are used in the ClassLoader.


An issue in the component GroovyEngine.execute of jline-groovy v3.24.1 allows attackers to cause an OOM (OutofMemory) error.


In Connect2id Nimbus JOSE+JWT before 9.37.2, an attacker can cause a denial of service (resource consumption) via a large JWE p2c header value (aka iteration count) for the PasswordBasedDecrypter (PBKDF2) component.

CVE-2024-22243: Spring Framework URL Parsing with Host Validation

Applications that use UriComponentsBuilder to parse an externally provided URL (e.g. through a query parameter) AND perform validation checks on the host of the parsed URL may be vulnerable to a open redirect attack or to a SSRF attack if the URL is used after passing validation checks.

CVE-2024-25710: Apache Commons Compress: Denial of service caused by an infinite loop for a corrupted DUMP file

Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop') vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress: from 1.3 through 1.25.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.26.0 which fixes the issue.

CVE-2024-26308: Apache Commons Compress: OutOfMemoryError unpacking broken Pack200 file

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling vulnerability in Apache Commons Compress.This issue affects Apache Commons Compress: from 1.21 before 1.26. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 1.26, which fixes the issue.


Jinjava before 2.5.4 allows access to arbitrary classes by calling Java methods on objects passed into a Jinjava context. This could allow for abuse of the application class loader, including Arbitrary File Disclosure.