Install Cloudera Manager Packages

Cloudera Manager is installed on the Cloudera Manager Server host using packages.

  1. On the Cloudera Manager Server host, type the following commands to install the Cloudera Manager packages:
    OS Command
    sudo yum install cloudera-manager-daemons cloudera-manager-agent cloudera-manager-server
  2. If you are using an Oracle database for Cloudera Manager Server, edit the /etc/default/cloudera-scm-server file on the Cloudera Manager server host. Locate the line that begins with export CMF_JAVA_OPTS and change the -Xmx2G option to -Xmx4G.
  3. If you are installing on Ubuntu, and are planning to add the Kudu service to the cluster and are planning to enable Apache Ranger, run the following command on all cluster hosts:
    sudo apt-get install gettext-base