Troubleshooting Installation Problems

This topic describes common installation issues and suggested solutions.

Failed to start server reported by cloudera-manager-installer.bin

"Failed to start server" reported by cloudera-manager-installer.bin. /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.logcontains a message beginning Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver...

Possible reason:

You might have SELinux enabled.

Possible solution:

Disable SELinux by running sudo setenforce 0 on the Cloudera Manager Server host. To disable it permanently, edit /etc/selinux/config.

Installation interrupted and installer does not restart

Possible reason:

You need to do some manual cleanup.

Possible solution:

See Uninstalling Cloudera Manager and Managed Software.

Cloudera Manager Server fails to start with MySQL

Cloudera Manager Server fails to start and the Server is configured to use a MySQL database to store information about service configuration.

Possible reason:

Tables might be configured with the ISAM engine. The Server does not start if its tables are configured with the MyISAM engine, and an error such as the following appears in the log file:
Tables ... have unsupported engine type ... .  InnoDB is required.

Possible solution:

Make sure that the InnoDB engine is configured, not the MyISAM engine. To check what engine your tables are using, run the following command from the MySQL shell: mysql> show table status;

For more information, see Install and Configure MySQL for Cloudera Software.

Agents fail to connect to Server

Agents fail to connect to Server. You get an Error 113 ('No route to host') in /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent/cloudera-scm-agent.log.

Possible reason:

You might have SELinux or iptables enabled.

Possible solution:

Check /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log on the Server host and /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent/cloudera-scm-agent.log on the Agent hosts. Disable SELinux and iptables.

Cluster hosts do not appear

Some cluster hosts do not appear when you click Find Hosts in install or update wizard.

Possible reason:

You might have network connectivity problems.

Possible solution:

  • Make sure all cluster hosts have SSH port 22 open.
  • Check other common causes of loss of connectivity such as firewalls and interference from SELinux.

"Access denied" in install or update wizard

"Access denied" in install or update wizard during database configuration for Activity Monitor or Reports Manager.

Possible reason:

Hostname mapping or permissions are not set up correctly.

Possible solution:

  • For hostname configuration, see Configure Network Names.
  • For permissions, make sure the values you enter into the wizard match those you used when you configured the databases. The value you enter into the wizard as the database hostname must match the value you entered for the hostname (if any) when you configured the database.

    For example, if you had entered the following when you created the database

    grant all on activity_monitor.* TO 'amon_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'amon_password';

    the value you enter here for the database hostname must be If you did not specify a host, or used a wildcard to allow access from any host, you can enter either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or localhost. For example, if you entered

    grant all on activity_monitor.* TO 'amon_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'amon_password';

    the value you enter for the database hostname can be either the FQDN or localhost.

Databases fail to start.

Activity Monitor, Reports Manager, or Service Monitor databases fail to start.

Possible reason:

MySQL binlog format problem.

Possible solution:

Set binlog_format=mixed in /etc/my.cnf. For more information, see this MySQL bug report. See also Step 4. Install and Configure Databases.

Cloudera services fail to start

Possible reason:

Java might not be installed or might be installed at a custom location.

Possible solution:

See Configuring a Custom Java Home Location for more information on resolving this issue.

Activity Monitor displays a status of BAD

The Activity Monitor displays a status of BAD in the Cloudera Manager Admin Console. The log file contains the following message:

ERROR 1436 (HY000): Thread stack overrun: 7808 bytes used of a 131072 byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. 
Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack. 

Possible reason:

The MySQL thread stack is too small.

Possible solution:

  1. Update the thread_stack value in my.cnf to 256KB. The my.cnf file is normally located in /etc or /etc/mysql.
  2. Restart the mysql service: $ sudo service mysql restart
  3. Restart Activity Monitor.

Activity Monitor fails to start

The Activity Monitor fails to start. Logs contain the error read-committed isolation not safe for the statement binlog format.

Possible reason:

The binlog_format is not set to mixed.

Possible solution:

Modify the mysql.cnf file to include the entry for binlog format as specified in Install and Configure MySQL for Cloudera Software.

Create Hive Metastore Database Tables command fails

The Create Hive Metastore Database Tables command fails due to a problem with an escape string.

Possible reason:

PostgreSQL versions 9 and higher require special configuration for Hive because of a backward-incompatible change in the default value of the standard_conforming_strings property. Versions up to PostgreSQL 9.0 defaulted to off, but starting with version 9.0 the default is on.

Possible solution:

As the administrator user, use the following command to turn standard_conforming_strings off:

ALTER DATABASE <hive_db_name> SET standard_conforming_strings = off; 

Oracle invalid identifier

If you are using an Oracle database and the Cloudera Navigator Analytics > Audit > Activity tab displays "No data available" and there is an Oracle error about "invalid identifier" with the query containing the reference to dbms_crypto in the log.

Possible reason:

You have not granted execute permission to sys.dbms_crypto.

Possible solution:

Run GRANT EXECUTE ON sys.dbms_crypto TO nav;, where nav is the user of the Navigator Audit Server database.