Shell Commands
You can manage snapshots by using the HBase shell or the HBaseAdmin Java API.
The following table shows actions you can take from the shell.
Action |
Shell command |
Comments |
Take a snapshot of |
Snapshots can be taken while a table is disabled, or while a table is online and serving traffic.
Restore snapshot |
For emergency use only; see Restrictions. Restoring a snapshot replaces the current version of a table with different
version. To run this command, you must disable the target table. The
List all available snapshots |
List all available snapshots starting with |
Remove a snapshot called |
Create a new table |
Cloning a snapshot creates a new read/write table that serves the data kept at the time of the snapshot. The original table and the cloned table can be modified independently; new data written to one table does not show up on the other. |