Fixed Issues in Cloudera Manager 7.11.0

Fixed issues in Cloudera Manager 7.11.0.

OPSAPS-67031: Increase the hive split threads to 64 for AWS and GCP
This fix addresses a performance issue for Ranger Raz with specific cloud providers. As part of this fix, the default value for Hive split processing threads (hive.compute.splits.num.threads) is increased to 64. This change affects only Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) deployments.
OPSAPS-64882: Upgraded PostgreSQL version
The PostgreSQL version is upgraded from 42.2.24.jre7 to 42.5.1 version to fix CVE issues.
OPSAPS-65870: Log4J 1.2.17 replaced with Reload4J
In this release, Cloudera has replaced all Apache Log4j 1.2.x logging libraries included with Cloudera Manager 7.9.0 with equivalent Reload4j libraries.
OPSAPS-64033: Upgraded Bouncy Castle version
The Bouncy Castle version is upgraded to 1.70 version to fix CVE issues.
OPSAPS-66508: Upgraded commons-codec version
The commons-codec version is upgraded to 1.15 version to fix CVE issues.
OPSAPS-66388: Upgraded commons-fileupload version
The commons-fileupload version is upgraded to 1.5 version to fix CVE issues.